We use initiatives to track progress at a high level. The initiatives contain master features and features. Each feature is estimated in story points and no 2 features are the same size. In the current scenario, if I have 10 features within an ini...
samir karandikar
over 5 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Capacity Estimates - Need the Ability to Sort and Filter
We need the ability to filter/sort a list report to highlight Features that do not yet have an Initial Sizing. This is important as we are looking to "draw the line" as to which features can be brought into PI Planning.
Decoupling calculation of actual effort setting from initial and detailed estimate
Dear aha, could you please decouple the settings of actual effort field from initial and detailed estimate? Scenario I am having> teams handle estimations differently on requirement level in JIRA (stories, bugs, spikes..) they do estimations ei...
Daniel Pokrývka
over 2 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Be able to use CSV to Import People into teams for Capacity Planning
What is the challenge? Currently need to manually add people to teams for capacity planning What is the impact? Manual input which takes time if you have a lot of teams Describe your idea Be able to create a CSV file to do the import
Suraiya Gobeil
10 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
We would like to be able to extract some insights from our Aha data. For each release:
How many points over capacity are we?
After the first sprint in a 2-sprint release is completed, are we half way done with story points?
How many features do w...
Show capacity allocated for a team in the capacity report for an Epic even if the dates in Epic don't include the month the capacity is entered for
Need to be able to see that a team has a capacity estimate entered in a scenario capacity plan against every Epic that has capacity entered for that team for the month using the capacity report by team, even if the Epic dates do not line up with t...
Diane Landante
over 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Visual Indication when team has no Capacity on Capcity Report
When viewing the capacity report, if a team has no capacity to work on initiatives, it would be great to have a visual indicator that they have 0 hours available for initiatives. Right now when you view it, it looks like they're not being used at ...
What is the challenge? As we track the time using another tool, we would like this to be imported in Aha via API, with the appropriate user assigned What is the impact? This will make it possible to have proper time logging in Aha as well without ...
Nicola Rolando
11 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Add Visual Effort Indicator to Features on Starter Roadmap
Our business stakeholders, rightfully so, need to understand the level of effort involved in the various items on our roadmaps. At the most basic level, this equates to showing them the number of developers involved in a given item (epic/feature),...
Capacity Report - pulling time from differing fields
We need the ability for the report to pull the estimate from a feature AND if there are multiple time estmates on the requirements tab , the aggregate of that time needs to overwrite the time range on the overview tab on the feature