Within our organization, we like to funnel all idea intake into a single portal so we can manage appropriately before handing off to a product team. Right now when you create a new idea within Aha directly, it allows you to choose from any workspa...
Erika Green
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Release Calendars Customization Colors by Workspace
There is currently an idea to include "Workspace" in the card layout. I would also like to be able to customize the card color by workspace (and probably other options as well).
over 1 year ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
I have a set of reports which all share the same columns and filters. The only difference in the reports is the content of the filters. I would like to be able to define a single report template that has the columns and filters defined. Then I wou...
Tim Johnston
about 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Asana added a new multi select field type. It would be great if this was an option when mapping fields in the integration. More details on the field type: https://forum.asana.com/t/multi-select-custom-field/34369/64
Austin Merritt
about 3 years ago
Future consideration
With UserVoice, we were able to add an NPS rating question to our submit forms, so while gathering feedback for improvements, we were also getting a general understanding with our customers' satisfaction levels. Would love to see this replicated i...
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
When we change a domain, it would be good to autoforward from the old domain to the new domain, at least for a short period of time, to allow time for users to update bookmarks and links
Michael Gogos
over 1 year ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Report / Chart of point value of requirements in 'ready to ship' status in a given month by Product
As a Product Manager, I want to hit my release dates. We're using Aha!'s capacity planning feature and think it's a great tool. We have our Aha! configuration set up to display the point value of the original estimates of the requirements containe...
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Notifications about record updates should provide a link to that record
As a user, I should be able to click a link to see the updated record about which I'm being notified. For example, when a strategic page has been updated, I can review the tracked changes in the notification space. However, there isn't a way for m...
The out of the box field Estimate used in capacity planning - should be customizable so we can relabel as needed. The field should also be able to include roll over help text.