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Update workspace name/ID in record-reference-pill

As a product manager working with multiple workspaces, I would like the ability to change the workspace once a Feature has been created and have the new workspace name/ID update the displayed record-reference-pill copy/identifier automatically or ...
Elle W about 2 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Add Burndown Chart for Initiatives

We're adopting a more flexible release strategy that is feature/initiative driven, not time boxed. It would be great to be able to generate a burndown chart for an initiative (even better: overlay several initiatives) so we can project/monitor our...
Guest over 8 years ago in Capacity planning / Strategy 1 Future consideration

Allow breakdown by Team for Detailed Estimates

The Initial Estimate Field of Epics and Features allows breaking down the effort values by Team. However, the Detailed Estimate Field does not allow effort to be broken down by team. You can only enter a value, but you cannot assign it to a specif...
Valentina Morales over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 4 Future consideration

Map JIRA Fix Version to Aha Release Phase

We would like to be able to map a JIRA fix version (and its dates) to an Aha Release phase Why? We like to plan in Aha using a monthly program increment primarily with features, similar to SAFe. But as a continuous delivery shop using Kanban key t...
David Vins about 6 years ago in Jira 9 Future consideration

More visualization options for strategy diagram

The circular diagrams in the strategy section(Vision & Diagram) do not visualize well on today's browsers and monitors. Text is too small, data overflows. A more simple Left to right hierarchy would be more understandable, sharable and viewable.
Steve Lapp over 9 years ago in Strategy 9 Future consideration

When adding features to an epic, I should be able to select multiple Features

When creating an epic, that has features that already exist. Its not possible to add more than one at one time. This means that each time I want to associate a feature, I have to open the select "Add" then the modal will appear to select existing ...
Andrew Brooks almost 4 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Editable choice list and Tag field - need to have in Idea Form

Currently in the Idea Form there is no way to have a field where we have pre-defined values and new ones could be added. (predefined tags with new values would work as well, that's not available either.) Would really appreciate to have one such fi...
Guest over 5 years ago in Ideas 8 Future consideration

Create Capability to Search and Sort "Internal Name" on Custom Field page

Aha Admin team is looking for a way to not hack the system by tracking custom fields used in AHA to Jira Integrations. Currently, the Admin team is adding a J* to the custom field name for each custom field with a Jira in the Name, API Key, Descri...
Bob Fisher almost 3 years ago in Search 2 Future consideration

Set chart X and Y axis scale independently

When creating a chart you can set the scale, but this applies to both the X and Y axis. Setting this independently would support a fairly common user case.
Nathaniel Collum over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add prioritization view history or audit trail

Our organization has multiple prioritization views saved for our ideas and multiple people make changes to these views over time. We would like to view the history or an audit trail of these changes to the prioritization view (e.g. when someone ch...
Jon Ragsdale about 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration