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Create Capability to Search and Sort "Internal Name" on Custom Field page

Aha Admin team is looking for a way to not hack the system by tracking custom fields used in AHA to Jira Integrations.

Currently, the Admin team is adding a J* to the custom field name for each custom field with a Jira in the Name, API Key, Description, Used in Products or Used in Layouts. Aha users without Admin rights can not see all the data linked to a custom field.

If Jira is not used in the custom field Name, API Key, or Used in Layout, it is difficult to identify a custom field linked to Jira Integration. See example.

Aha has limited sorting Search and Sorting in the custom field page (Only 4 columns). We would like to propose adding the Internal Name in the "Add Custom Field Page.

With the change by adding Internal Name column in custom fields search and sort capability, J* can be removed from the Name and reloaded to the Internal Name. It is known that the J* or Jira identifier is loaded to the Name and description, but only Admin users can see this. Without the Internal Name column added to the CF page, it will cause limited viewing by internal Admin users only, limiting sort and search capabilities for view level users.

This request is important and needed for AOP, and strategic planning. We are trying to reduce adding new fields and increasing reusing currently used custom fields.

Aha usage is increasing quickly with the potential of adding between 5,000 to 20,000 new users in the next few years. It would be instrumental to have this capability sooner than later.

See Attached file for clarity in Custom Field capabilities and needs.

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    • Steve Dagless
      Mar 30, 2023

      Our use case is slightly different but we use the internal name extensively to know how custom fields are being used and to maintain them. The inability to search by internal name on the custom field page and when creating/editing layouts is deeply frustrating. Instead of doing one search for "Global" to make sure all global fields are on a layout or to review the current usage of global fields, we have to have a list elsewhere that we maintain and then go through them one by one by field name.

      Being able to see the internal name when creating reports is very helpful for users. Please help admins to make sure the right fields are accessible to those users in the first place.

      This is one of many ideas that are for admins only that would bring so much happiness to a smaller but critical persona.


    • Bob Fisher
      Apr 11, 2022

      @Austin Merritt, Hello, saw the "Future Consideration" from Aha Support, Thank you. Just wanted Aha to know, in the last few days our team has experienced issues with highlighting Jira to Aha integrations with a J* in the field Name. The ability to show Internal Name or Description on the Custom Field page use case is getting stronger and stronger by the day.

      This issue has created angst and heated discussions between team members due to not having the ability to track and identify fields and layouts that link to Jira Integration. Currently adding J* to each field linked to Jira Integration Layouts is confusing and distracting to the internal Aha Admin team. The issue for end users is transparency to Jira integration without Aha Admin capabilities, and the ability to identify these Fields without adding a J* in the name. This is starting to become critical for the internal Aha Admin team (for our company). Can the Aha Admin group (your team) and PM's please take a closer look in this issue? I'm not trying to move this up the Queue, but could use an ETA to inform the team of what we are up against. Thank you