Aha! relies on time tracking in JIRA being set to the default value of minutes. If the value in JIRA has been altered to anything else, it throws time tracking estimates off.
As of the 6.4.x version of the JIRA REST API a GET is available that ret...
We spend all that time estimating and have to reproduce the work when we send the stories to TFS. Please! Make it stop! Setting to a month because this seems like a no-brainer!
Add the add custom field/edit custom layout options to To-do more options menu
The standard for a record's 'more options' menu is to have options to 'add custom field' and 'edit custom layout'. These options aren't available for to-dos. Please can you add them so that Aha! is consistent.
Provide ability to delete portal users that have not been verified or accessed the system
If portal users are pre-populated, there will be instances where some of them are no longer with the company, or otherwise never going to be using the ideas portal, and their names should be able to be deleted from the list of portal users. In gen...
Have Custom Layout export views match the on-line layout as opposed to default layout
When exporting an Epic with a custom layout definition to either PNG or PDF format, the custom layout definition is not used. Instead, the default layout is used with the the Overview tab over in the right panel. Since the right panel is a narrow ...
Peter Bongiorno
about 4 years ago
in Epic
Add a "time frame is not blank" option for report filtering
Currently, you can filter by each individual time frame, multi-select time frames, or filter by no time frame. I would like to be able to filter by "time frame is not blank" that way there is less maintenance needed each time a new time frame is a...
Hailey Huggins
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Well often times a roadmap doesn't and should not have dates from various reasons (no estimate, dates always change). Release plans have dates. As a PM I would like the ability to show/ build a roadmap that is detached from dates that are often no...
Matt Wagnon
about 8 years ago
in Reports
It would be great if we could have Initiatives sync over to TFS as Initiatives or Epics to get the full hierarchy tracked in both systems. As it stands, we have to manually create initiatives in TFS and then link the Features up to them. Adding it...
We are tracking weekly status and comments in a custom table so that we can see patterns (like green-green-green-RED in status to help teams get better at project management). We'd like the status value of the custom table to trigger an update to ...