Converting sticky notes to other record types should not bypass any required fields processes
When converting sticky notes in a whiteboard to other record types, we don't want users to be able to bypass required field entry for those record types. I have found other areas within Aha! where required field entry can be bypassed when creating...
Emily Millman
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Add better error handling for 'unhandled error exceptions'
When using AHA to integrate with other platforms such as Jira, sometimes fields are not mapped correctly due to either changes in Jira or custom fields in AHA. When this mismatch happens, we are only presented with 'unhandled error exception. Plea...
over 1 year ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Allow reusing prefix for products and product lines
I accidentally changed the prefix for one of the products and now it won't let me reuse the previous prefix. Also once you change the prefix for a product, it doesn't update the existing records. It should allow for a prefix to be reused and also ...
almost 9 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
For security reasons, we cannot have Aha! set to "allow anyone to access." Still, we need the ability to provide a seamless experience for our Executives and users to derive value from the Aha! data. We want to be able to display these in Tableau ...
almost 2 years ago
in Wanted
Future consideration
The term "proxy vote" is not intuitive, which I believe is the reason some folks end up not using it. I would like to change it for "Voting on behalf of a client".
Anna Bittencourt
almost 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
When we review features with stakeholders, we need to consider and refine both the description (user problem) and the acceptance criteria (definition of done) before it can be approved. We also need the acceptance criteria to sync to an equivalent...
Brent Schumann
almost 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Support linking the Aha! URL field to the Azure DevOps Hyperlink field
Goal: We want to see in DevOps which Item it syncs with in Aha! Current set up: Aha! URL field linked to Hyperlink field in DevOps Challenge: We are using the hyperlink field to capture URLs to multiple sources. This is all being done in a single ...
What is the challenge? Status column in Meeting Notes > Action items box is not a dropdown What is the impact? It is time consuming and not very intuitive to select from colored boxes and add tags ourselves. Describe your idea Action items tabl...
5 months ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Knowledge base/note table of contents default to collapsed
What is the challenge? When the TOC is displayed by default expanded it can hide information on a 1st screen without scrolling What is the impact? May dissuade customers from getting the important information if they don't scroll Describe your ide...
David Goodwin
5 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
when creating an feature in Aha! use the same pop up window in the white board as the feature board
What is the challenge? When you create a feature in the features board you can define the fields to be captured. When doing the same in the whiteboard it doesn't do the same functionality What is the impact? mandatory fields could be missed as at ...
Rob Stebbens
5 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration