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Salesforce Integration Merged Ideas also should merge Opportunity List

I'd like to request when an idea is merged that its Salesforce Opportunities are merged as well. Presently, the behavior I have observed is that merged ideas still retain their distinct opportunities linked from the Salesforce opportunity. As a us...
Andy Pendergast about 8 years ago in Salesforce 4 Shipped

Pop-up / indicator for new integration updates

Each of our workspaces is integrated with Jira, but often our POs question why things are missing and feel that the two applications are not always kept in sync properly despite having both the incoming and ongoing changes set to 'approve automati...
Max O. over 1 year ago in Jira 2 Shipped

Setting "record links" on Requirements

I would like to be able to set record links at the requirement level, e.g. to say that a requirement in one product depends on a requirement in another product. Currently I can do this at the feature level but that doesn't give me enough informati...
Kevin Burges about 7 years ago in Features 4 Shipped

Enable automations to work with custom tables

We are tracking weekly status and comments in a custom table so that we can see patterns (like green-green-green-RED in status to help teams get better at project management). We'd like the status value of the custom table to trigger an update to ...
Guest over 4 years ago in Account settings 2 Shipped

Enable connectors to be placed over images without needing to connect.

What is the challenge? I am making comments on certain elements of a screenshot for a user interface. I need to simply place an arrow over an image to point out specifically what the comment is related to. Connectors only connect to objects. What ...
Guest 2 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Shipped

Filter goals and initiatives by more than one attribute

As a Product Manager, I would like filtering across Aha! to be consistent, not different depending on what I'm trying to filter. In strategy (initiatives and goals), I can only filter by one status category Or one status OR one time frame. In re...
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Provide customer-facing help text capability on predefined value idea portal fields

As of now, the "description" field on idea custom fields is for internal setup reference, and does not present as descriptive help text on an idea portal showing the field. It would helpful (for any custom field type) to have an option to provid...
Donna Sawyer about 7 years ago in Ideas portal 10 Shipped

Show progress (based on story points) on the Releases / Portfolio and Releases / Details gantt charts

Why is it useful? For each release, we create a phase for each sprint, and generally assign features to sprints - especially for features that have dependencies.This helps us manage feature dependencies across products (and within products also)...
Guest about 9 years ago in Releases 7 Shipped

Display progress circles on Gantt without requiring start and end dates

Who would benefit? Users using the Gantt chart to track progress of their work. What impact would it make? It would make it easier to see at a glance how items are progressing without requiring the additional start and end time fields to be popula...
Maria Plotkina 9 months ago in  1 Shipped

Scroll bar stopped properly working on Release, phases and features Gantt

What is the challenge? Scroll bar is not allowing me to scroll to the bottom of the page. What is the impact? I can't work with this view any more, as important information is not reachable. Describe your idea This is probably caused with the addi...
Guest 2 months ago in Roadmaps 1 Shipped