I'd like to request when an idea is merged that its Salesforce Opportunities are merged as well. Presently, the behavior I have observed is that merged ideas still retain their distinct opportunities linked from the Salesforce opportunity. As a user, I'd like to see all relevant opportunities linked to an Idea, whether they were from a merged duplicate or put on the idea I am presently viewing.
When ideas are merged, proxy votes (including opportunities) are now copied from the merged idea to the parent idea. This gives you that holistic view of all the opportunities related to the idea. The merged idea will also still have a proxy vote linking it directly to the opportunity in Salesforce.
This would be great if it merged the accounts as well
Make sense. Undo merging should work accordingly.
This would save a lot of time for us. Right now we have manually reconnect the Salesforce objects to the master ideas.
Yes please!