Your basic offer starts at $59, which converted to Mexican pesos the price is $ 1,038 MXN... It might not sound much, but that's like 20 days of minimum wage in Mexico (here minimum wage is set by days of 8 hours labour). You might say that your t...
almost 9 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
Please could you add a marker icon on a idea comment which has be sent by mail? We use this function a lot, but after saving the comment (and automatically sending it to the customer), we cannot see if it is sent (or if we forget to check the chec...
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
i've currently added description to many of my feature views. it's convenient because I can see a few lines about the feature at a glance, but annoying when it causes every row in my feature list to be many lines long.
would be great if the descri...
Steven Kaplan
almost 9 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
The idea would be to create a service sentiment feature similar to the menu sentiment we are launching that would pull all the comments mentioning service and if it were positive or negative. This would allow a restaurant owner to see how their se...
almost 9 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
Users are currently able to watch and receive notifications for features that already exist, but there are a number of individuals on our team who would benefit from the ability to be notified when a new feature is added for existing product lines...
It would be valuable to be able to provide descriptions for Metrics used in scorecards similar to how you can add descriptions to custom fields and then hover over the ? for a tooltip description. This would provide the opportunity to document wha...
Matt Case
almost 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Search results should link to the slide-in feature card, not the detail view
When I'm searching for something, I often want/need to take a quick peek at a particular feature or requirement because I'm not sure if its the one I'm looking for without some more detail. Often, I pick the wrong search result and have to hit the...
Gary Spencer
almost 9 years ago
in Search
Unlikely to implement
Include Salesforce idea requests in global Aha search
Currently we can view the Salesforce requests linked to Aha ideas by clicking on the idea and scrolling down to "Requests" but it would be very useful to include the "Requested by" and "Requested for" in the Aha global search.
Currently if I wan...
almost 9 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
Update date picker to include double chevron controls that jump forward/back by year
Dates are often set years in advance in the world of product management- lots of clicking to move 2 years out from today. Please make my 24 clicks to move 2 years out from today to 2 clicks by adding double chevron year jumpers to the calendar con...
Dan Molloy
almost 9 years ago
in Application
Already exists