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Include Salesforce idea requests in global Aha search

Currently we can view the Salesforce requests linked to Aha ideas by clicking on the idea and scrolling down to "Requests" but it would be very useful to include the "Requested by" and "Requested for" in the Aha global search.


Currently if I want to find a list of ideas in Aha which have been requested by a customer through salesforce, there is no way to do this.

    Apr 22, 2016

    This information is currently accessible through the List Report page. You can add columns related to the Salesforce account to view and report on who the idea was requested for.

    See the attached screenshot for details on where to find these fields through the Add column icon.

    Based on community feedback and current priorities, we do not have near term plans to include this information in the global search, but hope that the workaround will help. This information may also be available via Salesforce reporting.

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    • Guest
      Apr 22, 2016

      Thanks for the feedback.   The reports are useful, but do not see any way to filter by Salesforce Request Account Name. I can display a column with that info, but this may produce many pages of results making it difficult to easily see all issues requested by a specific customer.


      For now, we will accomplish this in Salesforce, but it would be very useful to have the global search, include everything.