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Insert views into Strategic Model

It would be nice to be able to insert reports into the Strategic Model, much like how you insert views into a Presentation.
Robert Rodriguez about 5 years ago in Strategy 3 Future consideration

Minimise To-Do notifications

Currently, anybody receiving a Campaign (Features) To-do notification receives it the day before and on the day the campaign task is due. The option to choose the frequency a person receives a notification, such as just on the due date, would be u...
Guest about 7 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

admin response - change label

We want to change the name "admin response" to something more personal. Right now is sounds like a machine has answered. How do we change it ?
Henning Gjellesvik about 9 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Already exists

Search ideas referencing proxy vote data

Who would benefit? internal and external users What impact would it make? save time, reduce duplication, improve discovery of the ideas How should it work? in ideas portal when searching and typing in the string - it should reference data in proxy...
Ros Bayev about 1 year ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Add Additional Features to support Information Governance Requirements

Who would benefit? All Users What impact would it make? Satisfy Information Governance requirements by providing administrative control over record retention within Aha! services by providing administrators the ability to control the following: 1)...
David Willequer about 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Auto-increment tag when selected for a number attribute should disable Minimum, Maximum, and Decimal input by the user

Who would benefit? End User What impact would it make? Manage expectations on how autoincrement works How should it work? Autoincrement tag for a number attribute when selected by the user should autoincrement by 1 and lots of other options should...
Ratna Rajendran about 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Perform Automation Actions Against Fields not on Layout

Who would benefit? All Users, but especially administrators. What impact would it make? It would allow administrators to perform automations against records without the associated field ever being visible on the record. Reports also already suppor...
David Willequer about 1 year ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Share records as webpages

I would like the ability to share records (initiatives, releases, epics, and features) as webpages so that I can easily share views from Aha! with non-Aha! users. This is really helpful when I need to quickly share status with users who do not wor...
Nathaniel Collum about 4 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Sort Ideas by Last Activity

Inside Aha, where we can see the Ideas posted, would be great if we could filter by last activity. So if an old idea gets a new comment, or something like that, we can sort by date. Or any sort of activity, merge, internal comments, etc...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Have a simple banded colouring option for requirement rows in pivot table

As a product manager wanting to share pivot tables with other teams, I would like to be able to choose a simple colour scheme for colouring requirement rows. Today I have multiple ways to do this, but most people assume the colours mean something ...
Kevin M about 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration