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Ability to Deep Link to specific Workspace in an Ideas Portal

We leverage one Idea Portal with multiple Workspaces in a drop down. I think there should be the ability to manipulate the URL (with anchor links) that when clicked would send the person to the same Portal but would automatically choose a specific...
Guest over 3 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Future consideration

Allow Custom Worksheets to filter out archived records

What is the challenge? Filtering out Archived data from current data What is the impact? Impacts custom worksheets and reporting Describe your idea make the "Initiative Archived" value reportable so that it can be filtered in custom worksheets Cur...
Chris Vellucci 6 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Display user company when adding new ideas or comments to Ideas Portal

Who would benefit? Other customers. What impact would it make? Organizational. How should it work? When a user adds a new idea or comments in the ideas portal, it would be beneficial if the user's company would also be displayed. This is especiall...
Vincent G 12 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Already exists

Better interactive tools for Presentations and Webpages

The current Presentation and Webpage solutions have very limited interactive capabilities for external users. This limits the value we provide, as the 'self service' features are limited mainly to read-only actions and not true interactivity. As a...
David Barber over 1 year ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Round report sums to days, weeks, etc.

Currently if you create a report which has unique records of remaining estimate (in days), if you try and sum the records it only shows the sum in minutes. Please change this so the sum can be shown in either days, weeks, or months.
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Redirect users to accessible version of link if they do not have access to internal link

Users submit requests via an externally facing portal. Once that request is received, the team handling the request have one view of the request, while those who do not have that internal access can only see the publicly visible version of the req...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Make Aha ideas widget mobile-friendly

We have restricted use of the ideas widget for desktop users based on the documentation provided, however mobile users are incredibly important for our product. Therefore we don't have any functionality for in-app user feedback for mobile users. M...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Map one Aha release to several Jira projects

We have several Jira projects aiming towards the same release. When importing fixVersions from several Jira project to one product in Aha we get one release for each project/integration in Aha. This means that if we have 10 projects aiming for the...
Guest over 6 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Control path and slug of knowledge base document's URL

What is the challenge? Replatforming an existing knowledge base to Aha! requires editing all intra-knowledge base hyperlinks since part of the published Aha! document's URL is systematically assigned and not controlled by the document author. What...
David 6 months ago in Knowledge base 7 Already exists

Aha! activity stats

We'd like the ability to be able to pull together specific tasks and then individual stats for the following: Sign in activity Number of views by a user Number of comments by a user Sign on activity - more than last active Completion of tasks
Melody Gibson almost 2 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration