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My ideas: Account settings

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Introduction of further customization user permissions

It would be wonderful if Aha! had the option to customize user permissions when it comes to adding or editing ideas, adding or editing features, etc. For example, one user could have permission to only work with requirements while not having the o...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 6 Future consideration

Apply workspace templates to lines

Often settings like layouts, terminology, and navigation for parent lines may be purposefully different than workspaces. It would be helpful to drive standards for lines by allowing templates to be applied at those hierarchy levels. A few examples...
Jeanette Resnikoff over 2 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Paid Seat group "profiles" for SSO provisioning

As a paid seat group owner, I would like to establish standard permissions for users in my paid seat group that I can apply through SSO at the time of seat provisioning. These permissions include both roles (owner, contributor, custom role) as wel...
Bonnie Trei over 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Option for workspace template to not override all settings when first applied

What is the challenge? When applying a workspace template, even if the settings are marked as unlocked in the template, once applied to a workspace the existing workspace settings will still be changed. This is not always the desired experience. I...
Max Robbins 10 months ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Show inherited settings

What is the challenge? When viewing the workspace settings, if the setting is inherited from a parent line the user cannot see whether it is enabled, disabled, etc. What is the impact? The user has to drill up into the parent line as many times as...
Peter Whisenant 7 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Customize the term for feature "Type"

What is the challenge? The custom types configured in the features status/workflow configuration display with the field name "Type" on the feature layouts. The "Type" term cannot be customized. What is the impact? The term "Type" doesn't align wit...
Guest 4 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Enable custom feature types to apply other records

What is the challenge? The custom types (configured in the features status/workflow) are only available for features. This type categorization is needed for other record types, including epics. What is the impact? The current workaround is to use ...
Guest 4 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Allow to define the scope of tags/choice list custom field values (account vs. workspace)

It should be possible to define whether the values of choice list and tags custom fields (predefined or editable) are shared at account level (current behavior) or limited to workspace level such that workspaces can share a configuration but have ...
Thierry Loones almost 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Allow ability to limit valid values in Feature fields to only display relevant values for the workspace.

When defining features in a workspace, you should only need access to utilize valid values from selected workspaces. Each workspace owner defines and reports on their valid values very differently. When all valid values from every workspace are di...
Karla Johnson about 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Warning or prevention of workspace archive if it includes an integration template

To avoid removing the integration template when a workspace is archived, there could be a warning or prevention during the archiving process.
Guest 4 months ago in Account settings 2 Future consideration