Option to remain anonymous when submitting an Idea
The current settings in 'Configure Portals' reads ‘allow portal users to be anonymous’ however I’ve since confirmed that there isn’t an option to allow customer's to select this option if preferred. The selection of this box in the configuration m...
almost 6 years ago
in User management
Already exists
What is the challenge? Our customers can't get notified when a new discussion is posted in our Ideas Portal, some customers are adamant about responding to other customers and often forget until they get the weekly summary. How would you solve it?...
Vincent G
about 1 year ago
in User management
Future consideration
When our team is commenting back on ideas, we want our customers to know they are employees and their title. We would also like customer to be able to edit their profile and show their title.
almost 6 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Currently user can be only disabled through API. however there is no way to delete users from the portal no matter if they are disabled or enabled.
Please add Delete option in the api for the user object.
about 8 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Add permissions at the product-level without granting product line permissions
We work with partners to help us develop products (external development team) and we want them to have access to Aha and the ability to respond to Todos and Comments. Today, if you are a viewer or reviewer, you see the offering you are assigned al...
almost 8 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
SSO - support signing outbound authentication requests
Our infosec requires SAML requests to be signed, and don't approve the strict HTTPS certificate checking when sending requests to identity providers. This causes links to our ideas portal to work only if the user is already logged in, which really...
Ori Kanfer
over 6 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Mass vote allocation increase for Ideas portal users
Hello Aha!
We have our Ideas portal users vote allocation set at 10.
However, we have A LOT of active users who have maxed out their votes.
I need a way to do a mass vote allocate increase. For select users maxed out with 10 votes, bump them...
Ginger Alford
over 5 years ago
in Ideas / User management
Future consideration
Customisation admin access should be granted by workspace, rather than be a blanket permission for all workspaces they have visibility of.
Who would benefit? This would allow us to grant more autonomy to the product managers who can customise their own workspace, while not allowing them to customise all other workspaces they may have some access to. What impact would it make? This wo...
over 1 year ago
in User management
Future consideration