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User management

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Allow users to choose the default ideas view

When a user logs in, the default view of ideas is 'trending' and we have users who would like to be able to change the default to recent so they can keep up to date with what has been recently logged
Sophie Ramsden about 4 years ago in User management 3 Future consideration

Assign portal users to an organisation and limit votes to the organisation instead of user

We currently allow multiple users to join our ideas portal from the same organisation, this is due to different members of that organisation specialising in different fields and thus having different ideas based on their profession and different t...
Guest almost 2 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Allow Aha! users to be automatically recognized through Ideas Portals with SSO.

Who would benefit? Aha! users with SSO for Ideas Portal - Typically Roadmaps Enterprise/Enterprise+ Customers What impact would it make? Align Aha! users to a common experience regardless of the SSO setup within Idea Portals. Today, I see a differ...
Mark Slykhouse over 1 year ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Make the JWT claims OIDC conformant

The first_name and last_name claims required by Aha! are not OIDC conformant, leading to duplicate information in previously conformant JWT tokens. This increases the size of tokens. This can also make it harder to use a common token for Aha! and ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in User management 2 Unlikely to implement

Idea subscribers as a data attribute that can be reported on or sorted by in Aha! Reports

The number of idea subscribers is an attribute within an idea detail drawer but it cannot be included as an attribute (or column) in the Reports area of Aha!. This would be useful so that the total number of subscribers column can be sorted agains...
Justin Woods over 8 years ago in User management 5 Unlikely to implement

Idea portal users - Reject non-business email domains

We would like to open up our idea portal to both internal and external users. The external users would be a combination of customers and prospects. However, we want to ensure that external users are authentic in order to avoid junk ideas. Need the...
Guest over 1 year ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Allow users to delete their Aha! account

It seems that atm when a user (idea creator) wishes to remove his user from Aha! he can't do it without contacting the Aha! support team and they have to contact the ideas portal owner (us) to remove and delete the user. Why not have this opting i...
Or Manor over 1 year ago in User management 1 Already exists

The ability to see how many users from each organization have created accounts in an idea portal

We are measuring engagement via the idea portals. We'd like to be able to see how engaged and institution is with us and one of the measures we are using for that is how many people are registered for the portal. In order to get this information r...
Debra Hunter over 2 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

external and internal user metrics

We need a way to view workspace owner and user activity in a report. This view exists in user history, but this is not shareable. I need to share with leadership how the tool is being used. Combine user history and contact view, to provide per use...
Guest over 2 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Add in API endpoint for SSO logout

I'm currently using Aha as the ideas portal for all of our users and am automatically signing them in with SSO/JWT when they access the idea portal page. This works great! However, I noted that, per the JWT help article here, that signout requires...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas / User management 1 Future consideration