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vote per organization

Hey Aha Team, we get flooded by a customer organization regarding idea votes - the encourage their employees to vote for a specific idea with 20 different user accounts to bump up the idea into the top 5. We want to justify the voting process to a...
Product M about 2 years ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Allow Idea viewer to update proxy votes (not raised by you)

As it currently stands Idea viewers are not able to update votes, which were not raised by them. There are multiple reasons why the viewer may want to update existing votes: 1) reflect the latest severity / impact (e.g. downgrade / upgrade) 2) mod...
Ros Bayev about 2 years ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Hide Vote Count

We would like to be able to hide the vote count from certain users that login to our Ideas portal. In this case, our customers specifically. Having Ideas with visible a large number of votes creates pressure to implement from clients that we would...
Guest over 8 years ago in Voting 4 Already exists

Adapt voting to give net promoter score

I'd like to replace the current voting options in the Idea Portals with a 1-10 scale that is used to provide a net promoter score for the idea in Aha. This gives our users a way to convey their enthusiasm (or lack thereof) for an idea, giving me a...
Guest about 2 years ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Add idea prioritization from the idea portal

It would be great if each user on the idea portal had the option to rank the priority of their ideas with restrictions preventing them from marking everything as most important. Using this data you could provide a value to each idea prioritization...
Jessica Wagner over 4 years ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Reviewer to proxy vote

Provide permissions to reviewers to be able to add proxy votes to ideas. Currently, they have no way to provide input on behalf of their customers or sales representations as they must request a contribute/owner to do this on their behalf. Very in...
Karie Kelly over 4 years ago in Voting 0 Already exists

Track how many users are interacting with us via votes

We'd like an easy way to know if users in the portal are only interacting with us by voting. Right now when a user submits an idea they are counted as a vote. I don't have an easy way in the product to understand this.
Debra Hunter over 2 years ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Give certain idea portal users' votes more weight (or give them more votes)

While reviewing ideas with clients and internal stakeholders, I would like some of their votes to count more (or for them to have more votes) than others. For instance, the CEO of the company or the VP of Fundraising's opinion on an idea would cou...
Guest about 7 years ago in Voting 5 Already exists

Sum up vote count from merged ideas

When ideas are merged sum their vote count into the merged idea.
Marina Vytovtova over 2 years ago in Voting 0 Already exists

Allow for importing proxy voter contacts

I really appreciate the ability to bulk update proxy organizations, but it is unfortunate that I have to then add the business team that is working with the account manually. I would like faster ways to get 5+ users associated with an account atta...
Yancey Larochelle-Williams almost 5 years ago in Voting 4 Future consideration