If comment is deleted in Jira, add a tag <Deleted> to Aha to ensure users are aware of the change (& Vice versa)
What is the challenge? currently, comments that are deleted on one platform, do not get deleted on the other platform (& Vice Versa) What is the impact? Users who work dedicatedly on Aha (like Top Management) will continue to view out-dated co...
Maria V
7 months ago
in Features / Jira
Future consideration
Convert story to epic in Jira when promoting requirement to feature
In Aha! I have a feature with a set of requirements, all of which has been pushed to Jira as an epic with a set of stories. I want to convert one of the requirements to a new feature in Aha! and have the corresponding story in Jira changed to an e...
almost 10 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
When creating Epics in Jira, they don't integrate into Aha. They will only integrate if you create child records under them that integrate into Aha. Epics need to be able to be integrated into Aha on their own.
about 2 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Ability to select only one user from the "User Field" custom field
Currently the "User Field" (custom field) in Aha! allows you to select one or more Aha! users.
It would be useful to have a "User Field" whereby a user can only select one user. This is important for us, as one of our User Fields sycnhronises wi...
Sometimes it is difficult to keep Jira and Aha Requirements up to date when/if a requirement is deleted. I'd like to see a Mapping that is allow to delete and you can select which direction that can occur.
Kenny Burnham
over 5 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
Automatically create/update Notification Groups based on location hierarchy
I have a JIRA 2.0 integration setup for one of my workspaces. When I push over an Epic containing Features and Requirements, the Features are linked to the Epic but the Requirements are not linked to the Feature. So in JIRA, you can easily see how...
almost 3 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Need to support the Jira code markup option.
If the developer enters sample code as part of the description in Jira, the description gets updated in Aha!
However the code markup is translated into very large tables in Aha!
At some point, Aha! upda...
about 9 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Allow requirements to be associated with the release record
The Problem: Jira requires each User Story type to have a Fix Version associated with it, similar to the Epic. The Epic will have Stories with various Fix Version ( the User Stories don’t inherit the Epic Fix Version as story releases are weekly o...
over 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Please Add a Setting to Turn Off the Automatic Imports of Unlinked Jira User Stories
I believe that the way integration is currently implemented is based on a faulty assumption, e.g. that customers want all user stories created in an integrated Jira project and board to be sync'd to Aha!.
We'd much prefer that this not be the ca...
Doug Wilson
about 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
When an Idea is Promoted to a Feature, Automatically Copy Idea's *Subscribers* (as well as Watchers) to the Feature. And, Sync the Watchers & Subscribers to JIRA
Hi All,
We are having some trouble keeping an idea's subscribers & watchers in the loop on the idea ticket from its conception through completion. The fact that people can subscribe & watch ideas is great (we find the email updates very he...
about 9 years ago
in Ideas / Jira
Unlikely to implement