Who would benefit? Product Managers What impact would it make? PdMs would benefit to have line-of-sight for updates that could impact them and their system of responsibility (“Copilot, tell me when the networking team will be upgrading their exter...
11 months ago
in Wanted
Future consideration
Our Sales and Support teams use HubSpot CRM for all of their daily operations. I would love to have the same two-way sync that is provided for Salesforce within HubSpot. Essentially, the ability to associate contacts to ideas within HubSpot
almost 6 years ago
in Ideas / Integrations
Future consideration
Seamless Sync for Epics and Features Between Aha! and ADO when changing types
What is the challenge? Currently, when an Epic is changed to a Feature or vice versa in Azure DevOps (ADO), this change is not accurately synced with Aha!, leading to misalignment and inefficiencies. What is the impact? Epics and features are misa...
Add 'Send to integration' automation action for Aha! Ideas <> Jira integration
What is the challenge? As PMs review ideas submitted to Aha! there may be ideas that need to be sent directly to Jira — thinking about bugs that are reported through an ideas portal. What is the impact? Those ideas need to be reviewed alongside al...
Justin Waldorf
3 months ago
in Ideas / Jira
Future consideration
Import items even if a parent is not available due to security restrictions
What is the challenge? Some of our work items (e.g. a feature) in ADO are linked to security related parents (e.g. an epic) in ADO. We are not able to access the parent work item due to these security settings. However we would like to see the fea...
Hi, would you consider integration with Miro, formerly RealTime Board? This is a great diagraming app, and has a good Jira integration which I was going to use in a convoluted way by pushing from Jira to Aha to get visibility back in Aha. In reali...
over 5 years ago
in Wanted / Whiteboards
Future consideration
Would be great if there was in integration into Monday.com. We have users in our organization that use this tool for managing their UI concepts and workload.
Kenny Burnham
almost 6 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Support AzureDevOps "work item deleted" events so my Aha records aren't out of date
Who would benefit? Anyone who manages an Aha board that syncs with Azure DevOps (ADO) What impact would it make? It would reduce out-of-date information in Aha & on roadmaps from records that rely on the ADO integration for updates. Additional...
Add ability to set selected users for Slack notifications from Aha!
What is the challenge? Currently, the newest Aha! Slack integration does not allow you to set specific users to trigger a notification to Slack from Aha! in the way the previous version supported. What is the impact? You cannot filter down activit...
Stephanie Lechner
5 months ago
in Slack
Future consideration