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Ideas portal

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Switch off idea submission within a portal

We'd like to be able to switch off idea submission within an ideas portal on a per product workspace basis.This would be used when a workspace wants to stop accepting new ideas for reasons, such as: The product has reached the end of marketing/sup...
Nigel Lawrence about 2 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Future consideration

Reward ideas portal interactions

What is the challenge? Currently, it's a challenge for single users to interact with ideas Portals because they think that one vote or idea might not be impactful or consider by the portal owner, and although the previous statement is partially tr...
Victor Herrera 10 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Allow custom Goal field on Ideas portal layout

What is the challenge? On an internal use Ideas portal, we are unable to add a custom Goals field. What is the impact? We prioritize work that is associated to corporate goals. If this information is known at the time of idea submission, this woul...
Heidi Sorensen 3 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Notification when admin response edited

What is the challenge? We are using the admin message as a change log to provide customers a history of what is going on behind the scenes with an idea until it becomes a feature. Updates to the admin message do not provide a notification to the v...
Jerimiah Rudden 10 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Allow idea name to be in later steps of dynamic form

What is the challenge? Currently in an ideas portal layout, the idea name must be present on the first "step" of a dynamic form. It can be helpful for a user to go through other questions first before entering their idea name. What is the impact? ...
Emily Yankush 7 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Add Broadcast Capability to Ideas

We would like to be able to broadcast information to our Ideas community and provide one more means of communication to let them know about new features, new releases and or just to communicate about general upside of using Ideas for our product.
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Already exists

Universal spam folder and spam notifications

Ask: If SPAM is detected on an IDEA Portal, we would like the ability to; Create a Universal SPAM Folder that would show SPAM across all product idea portals, if detected, and or Run a report to see if SPAM has been identified. Send Spam notifi...
Mike Jacobson about 5 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Future consideration

Have the option to add voters as "subscribers" when using proxy votes.

No description provided
David Desrosiers about 4 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Future consideration

ideas overview to presentation

The Ideas overview screen is one of the coolest screens in Aha and you cannot add to a presentation. This is the screen that says we listen to customers and you cant broadcast it
Andrew Tipton about 9 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Already exists

Missed required fields in Ideas should be more obvious

Folks are constantly thinking that they submitted ideas, but in actuality they missed a required field but didn't identify it before closing the window. Instead of the small red "This field is required," we'd recommend either not letting the user ...
Kristina Ursin over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration