As part of a good product management team, we want to regularly collaborate with people who are submitting ideas to our team. We want to be able to send them an email during these events 1) Idea is submitted - to inform that their idea has been re...
Neha S
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Whitelisted IP addresses are no longer good protection from hackers and spam as the IP addresses can be spoofed. The best practice for email is to add SPF/DKIM records to security policies - is this something you are able to support as our users a...
Ian Mason
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Most of our clients use MS Outlook as their standard email client. We've noticed that the HTML generated for the Idea Portal email notifications is not Outlook-friendly. Specifically, the body of the email is all centered in the page, making it lo...
Manny Ju
about 5 years ago
in Branding
Future consideration
When submitting an Idea through the submission portal, a user sees the description of what should be entered into the box, and when the user selects the textbox, the description disappears (if the there is a lot of text, this could pose an issue f...
about 10 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Add Password Field to Idea Portal Login Screen to Simplify Login Flow
We have a private idea portal. When the user hits our idea portal URL, they are prompted for their email address each time. The portal does not allow the browser to autofill this email address either. User then clicks Next, where they are prompted...
Jonathan Adams
over 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
It is difficult to speak with a customer and try to find the correct idea they are asking about, without having access to the reference id. This request is to add it to both the My Ideas, and My Org's Ideas.
Sara Olson
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Allow Portal Users to Control the Number of Ideas Displayed Per Screen
Add a drop down selector that allows each portal user to control the number of ideas that are displayed on each screen in the Ideas Portal. The system should remember the last option selected by the user for the active session.
over 10 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Add "External Page" Option for Page Navigation in Ideas Portal
To better delineate between the purpose of idea submission and support requests, it would be useful if we could add a "Contact Support" link to page navigation in the idea's portal nav bar. As such, we will need a mechanism by which we can designa...
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Call out staff/employee responses in addition to admin responses
Perhaps we are just not setting up the portal correctly, but I'd like to see staff/employees get a visual highlight on the page when they reply to ideas. Right now I see the green avatar outline and the callout for Admin responses, but we have mul...
Dan Orth
over 10 years ago
in Ideas portal
Will not implement