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Ideas portal

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Single Signon using OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect ( is the modern variant of SAML, and should be supported for SSO login for aha itself as well as for idea portals. OIDC is simpler to setup than SAML, and it is possible that a wider range of Identity Prov...
Jørgen Binningsbø about 7 years ago in User management 3 Shipped

Add Idea Portal/Form Support for Custom table fields and custom record types

Karen Maslowski confirmed that: "Custom table fields and custom record types (listed as Aha! record relationships in the custom fields section) are not available for use in the ideas portal." We use a custom table field for tracking our customers ...
Tony Lopez about 7 years ago in Ideas portal 8 Shipped

Allow public portals to block search engine indexing.

We want to have our idea portal to be easily accessed by employees, but not by the public. I had been relying on the fact the portal was embedded in an intranet site to allow for security through obscurity, but have since learned the pages are ind...
Gord McNeill almost 9 years ago in Ideas portal 4 Shipped

Allow admin to change idea contributor

Old habits die hard, and as head of product I continue to receive lots of ideas by email and other channels. I would like to be able to add these ideas to the ideas portal on behalf of the person who sent it. For ideas sent to me via email, I wou...
Shawn Smith over 9 years ago in Ideas portal 7 Shipped

mandatory category

I want the option of making "category" mandatory when submitting an idea. That's the only way I can show all ideas in a category on the front page. Now I have to use a custom field named category, and that is not visible on the front page (only fo...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Shipped

Workspace names in idea portals

I just realized that workspace names show up in idea portals when multiple workspaces share the same portal. The experience is different from what it was when we called them "products". Under the nomenclature of "workspace", I changed some of the ...
Tom Beck over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Shipped

Customize Visibility Changes (additional Customization options)

Please add in additional options for visibility in portals. There are currently two options, Default or all ideas come in under a specific selection. I would like to be able to decide how an idea acts in a portal for an Aha! user, Employee, and Po...
Peter Segre over 5 years ago in Ideas portal / User management 1 Shipped

Making the found-ideas text editable

The idea portal of Aha! can be customized in a lot of ways, including the terminology for most standard terms. When a new idea is being added, there is a functionality that searches for similar ideas - and this text does not adjust, even though th...
Guest over 3 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Shipped

Merging ideas should total up votes

After merging three ideas with several votes against each into one master idea, the votes on the master idea are now at 0. Instead, it should be a total of the votes from all the merged ideas, since it's lost it's "popular" status.
Guest about 9 years ago in Voting 4 Shipped

Email comments to the idea creator if they are an Aha! user

Who would benefit? Submit only portal users, all portal admins What impact would it make? communications How should it work? 1 - I wanted to circle back on the comment feature. The issue is not that the comment option is not there, rather that I c...
Guest 6 months ago in Ideas portal 2 Shipped