Shift-Enter Keyboard Shortcut from Requirement Description field starts a new Requirement
As a product manager trying to achieve flow despite my ADHD, I need to be able to keep my hands on the keyboard when cranking out my GWTs so that I can work fast and not get distracted. Given that a user is creating a new Requirement when the user...
over 3 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
On the Strategic Competitor templates, enable zooming out to fit the company logo in the space.
Currently, when you add the logo as a graphic element to the template, it only allows you to zoom in. However the default logo size that it imports is already too big. Either change the default that gets loaded in, or allow zooming out. Inevitably...
over 5 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Warn me when bulk updating a large number of features or provide ability to Undo after the fact
When I am doing a bulk update on one feature and have accidentally selected many more than one it would be helpful to have an alert or warning for which a threshold could be set. For example, if I am about to bulk update over 100 features the syst...
Suzie Hastie
over 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Third option in the product settings for the treatment of the remaining estimate
For the remaining estimate, after completing a feature, there are only current options to add it to the logged time or ignore it.If I add it to the logged time, then it is deliberately falsified, because this time was never provided. Ignoring it r...
Waldemar Vierheilig
over 5 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Allow search for words who are part of separated list
Searching for the word "error" will not find features with a name "Indicate if terrain is processing/done/error in designs". This is due to the fact that AHA considers "processing/done/error" a single word. I suggest to treat the chars /,-,\ as wo...
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
When filtering features by epic, I would prefer to not see epics that have already shipped. On the features board, anything that has already shipped with a release should not be included because it clutters the list of values that I really need to...
Tom Beck
over 5 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Improve sorting option - Color by Flagged Records at Features level and Flagged record view to include only flagged features in Gantt chart
Sort color by option would be more relevant to bifurcate between Records with risk and no risk rather assigned/ release. May be worth to include color by " Flagged Records" which should cover both Epics and features in Gantt chart view. Filters in...
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
If a feature gets assigned to a team member I'd like for the team field to get auto populated. If the developer is a member of 2 teams I'm not sure what to do. Maybe if its an automation and is per work space you could decide what team based on th...
Justin Weiss
almost 4 years ago
in Development / Features
Unlikely to implement
Remember last folder used when attaching/linking a item and add favorites
I use nested folders to organize the images that I am uploading to be included in feature and item descriptions. Sometimes these folders can be very deep, six or more levels. Every time I place an image in the feature/requirement I am click the im...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
When we are dependent on say another feature, if that feature's date changes, I never know about it unless I check on the status. I know I can add myself as a watcher but would get updates on everything and I'm really only interested if the due da...