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AI powered assignee suggestion

What is the challenge? I work with two large teams across a big product portfolio. Any given week, I can have engineers assigned to multiple features. When I go to assign the next feature, I don't have any contextual information about the other wo...
Nathaniel Collum 7 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Will not implement status should not show on priority list

What is the challenge? Trying to keep an accurate priority list What is the impact? Priority list for stories/features Describe your idea Only stories/features that you are actually going to do should be on the priority list. Not will not implemen...
Guest 7 months ago in Features 0 Already exists

Group Level integration in Aha.

Who would benefit? All the teams who are using aha and Gitlab setup for their SAFe ways of working What impact would it make? Streamlined and logical grouping of features which are created in aha and synced to Gitlab How should it work? Group leve...
Anusha Huddar about 1 year ago in Features / Integrations 0 Future consideration

Alert when moving a feature from one product to another

We love Aha! for it's flexibility. However, it would be great to configure something platform wide (our platform). We would love to be able to have warnings if the user tries to move a feature from one product to another. This happens to us (accid...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Will not implement

Stop showing empty releases when I use the filter by release owner on the feature board

I use the feature board all the time. We have a product that has many releases and they are owned by different product owners. So I use the filter "filter by release owner" so that only my releases show up on the board so I can do all my managemen...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Automation - Support for updating scorecard values

We use Scorecard ranking to prioritize which features should be worked on for each release. Problem is that we have thousands of tasks, features, bugs and nearly impossible for us to rank every feature. We upgraded to enterprise+ because we wanted...
Josh Glasser over 4 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Automation for epics/features at the parent line level

As a portfolio manager, I want to create a single rule for epics/features for all workspaces in a parent line. Right now I have to recreate these individually at the workspace level. Part of the problem is the amount of time it takes to create eac...
Nadim Sobhani over 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Create Features via Email Submission

Similar to the ability to create Ideas via email, we would love the ability to create Features via email submission. Our ideal workflow is to have support issues and bugs submitted into Aha! and this would simplify things so that users aren't send...
Danette Colin over 7 years ago in Features 0 Will not implement

Display related Aha ideas and JIRA integration on features roadmap

Who would benefit? Internal stakeholders What impact would it make? Would free up time for Product Managers from providing the details offline on yet another wiki, confluence page etc. How should it work? On the features roadmap, it would be usefu...
Shri Iyer about 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Scorecard values as text

When using a scorecard, given the way users think about scoring, rather than using a numeric scale, I would like to be able to assign text [as the slider element] and have this equate to set values As an example Technical Feasbility would have 3 v...
Mark Brown almost 7 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration