When promoting an idea to an initiative, epic, or feature, it would be really nice to be able to have the idea be updated e.g. we use an Idea status of Promoted post a comment. But we often forget to do one or both.
Deidra Peacock
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When I create a new idea, I change the assignee to me. But when the idea is created it ignores that selection and assigns the idea to the default person for that category. What is the impact? Raised blood pressure, waste of ...
What is the challenge? have to go through each idea that is similar to see total amount of votes What is the impact? time consuming Describe your idea I would appreciate if the total number of ideas votes showed when you have multiple ideas merged...
Remove Portal Comments option when no Portals are set up
I have no Idea portals set up and yet I still have to click over to internal comments when adding a comment. This is one extra step every time I need to write a comment. If you don't have a portal, the portal comments shouldn't even be an option. ...
about 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
As a Product Manager, when I change an idea status, I want a default admin response to appear automatically. I could then tweak this pre-populated response as necessary and publish it. This would save me a lot of time during our idea triaging sess...
Elina Hu
over 8 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Add dynamic idea submission forms to the Aha! side
What is the challenge? Currently, dynamic forms are only available within the portal. If team members are submitting ideas from within Aha!, they don't encounter the same logic. What is the impact? Streamline the idea submission configuration and ...
Becca Bommarito
7 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Ability to bulk promote multiple ideas into one record
What is the challenge? Currently, users can bulk promote ideas to a record but it creates one record per idea. What is the impact? Users are not able to easily take a group of ideas that will be solved with the same feature or epic, etc. and promo...
Peter Whisenant
4 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When i search for a contact in Contacts, I cannot see ideas raised by this person What is the impact? cannot quickly view ideas raised by a particular customer Describe your idea When i search for a contact in Contacts, I ca...
Additional variables to use on idea portal email templates
The ability to create email templates for thank you, status change, admin response and new comment events is really powerful but it would be great if some additional variables could be brought out to personalise the experience even further. So far...
Justin Woods
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration