When entering descriptions of various parts of the data model, it would be useful to be able to cite or otherwise mention personas. This could take the form of @ notation, or similar, which would provide a quick search capability.
This would make...
When adding strategic model data into a report, selecting the model name opens a details drawer which does not include any of the text components that are part of that model. There is not an easy way of then navigating from that drawer to the stra...
Madeleine Black
almost 4 years ago
in Strategy
As a Product Manager, I need the ability to use a more standard image size for personas, so that I can focus on my product rather than spending time looking for or creating an image that looks good in the unusual 5:1 ratio.
Acceptance criteria:
James Hooper
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
This will help our users a way to have a tracking number added to the initiatives in Aha! so that we have a better way of identification and searching?
Marina Reyna
over 6 years ago
in Strategy
Roll up status for Product Line or even Company level initiatives
When I contacted support on this idea few months back, they said it's already requested by someone else and I just needed to vote on it and I did. However, the idea that got implemented in the hierarchy report where status is displayed is complete...
Michael Zadda
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Most of my work starts by creating initiatives using the Strategy/Initiatives page. Unfortunately, I find this page not very user-friendly. First, I manage a long list of initiatives, from which I can see only the top 7-8 at first glance and witho...
Zvika Moretzky
about 7 years ago
in Strategy
Today on the Initiatives page, when you click on an Initiative to see its Features, the Features are listed alphabetically. It would be better if they were shown in Feature Rank order to easily confirm the prioritization of Features for an Initiat...
Single view to define goals /metrics, initiatives, and features and establish relationships between each
What I'm really looking for is one location where I can define overall goals (and associated metrics), define initiatives underneath each goal (but in a format where I can see all goals) along with metrics, and then start defining features underne...
Strategy -> Initiatives and goals filter improvements
Instead of having just two categories of All and In Progress why not have:
In Progress
Not Started
Currently, if one wants to add a bunch of initiatives that will not be started for months, they are listed right alongside...
Suzanne Vaughan
over 9 years ago
in Strategy
Add "Initiative Rank" field as a reporting data object
With the enhancement of being able to change the sequence in which initiatives are displayed in the Strategy -> Initiative page, there is the opportunity to force rank/prioritize initiatives based on their sort order. Just as the sort order of ...