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Create a "My Stuff" type bucket

Who would benefit? Everyone, potentially, but mostly people who administer Aha for teams or groups What impact would it make? It would allow users to more easily access items they've created, favorited, interacted with, etc. regardless of what wor...
Jordan Faulds 10 months ago in My work 1 Future consideration

Add ability to define timeframe by multiple quarters for Now, Next, Later Roadmap

Who would benefit? Any user who is using the Now, Next, Later roadmap and defines their timeframes by quarter. What impact would it make? This would enable additional flexibility for more 'ambiguous' timeframes (i.e Next) How should it work? Allow...
Ashley Tierney 10 months ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Support bring your own LLM

Who would benefit? Customers who have build LLMs for their org who don't wis to use ChatGPT or have specific organisation context they wish to exploit What impact would it make? There are generative AI applications in Aha (and no doubt more planne...
Nigel Lawrence about 1 year ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Create folder button in Roadmaps Overview section

What is the challenge? My coworker and I struggled to find the right button to create a new folder on the Roadmaps -> Overview page. The design doesn't seem super intuitive; instead of having a "Create folder" button up top (or similar) users h...
Marlee Ellison 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Move Ideas to top of Research Tab

When viewing the research tab, the first thing I want to see are the ideas related to my record. Ideas are the most likely research item I will have associated with my features and will often drive the creation of the assets I would add to the "co...
Bonnie Trei over 1 year ago in Ideas research 0 Future consideration

Allow filtering by organization on the ideas prioritization view

What is the challenge? Unable to easily create a prioritization view for a specific organization. What is the impact? I'd need to manually add ideas to the prioritization view based on a separate report to segment the ideas for a specific organiza...
Kristina Gass 6 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Ability to create a shared webpage as a report editor

There appears to be a gap on how shared webpages are configured. Currently only the original creator of the report can create the link for a shared webpage. Often, other people who are designated editors to the report, need to download to send out...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Report on capacity team total people based on workspace default assignee

What is the challenge? When using the capacity report with detailed estimates, you will see a team associated with a record based on the capacity team the assignee of the record is associated with. However, this same association back to capacity t...
Paweł Żmuda 8 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Ability to configure automated status logic

For almost all our workflows, a parent record's status is dictated or a reflection of it's child record's status - similar to how the progress of a parent record is an aggregate of it's child records and that functionality. I would like the abilit...
Michael F over 4 years ago in Application 4 Future consideration

Star Rating field

What is the challenge? I need a visual ranking system What is the impact? Easily see which are the best ideas for example Describe your idea Star rating systems have become universal and I have several use cases in mind where it would be helpful t...
Guest 2 months ago in  0 Future consideration