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Import / Sync Requirements from within Feature

to control the amount of information that flows from JIRA to Aha I tend to create the Feature first in Aha and then link it with the corresponding Epic in JIRA. Next i import the stories associated with the Epic by going on the integration -> I...
Markus Gujer over 6 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

See Promoted Ideas when Searching for an Idea Through Salesforce

As a user, when I am searching for an idea through the Salesforce integration, I would like to see if the idea was promoted before selecting it.
Amelia Peklar over 1 year ago in Salesforce 0 Future consideration

Aha! Develop - Support integrations with Slack

What is the challenge? Aha! Roadmaps currently supports integrations to and from Slack to streamline the flow of information. Aha! Develop does not have access to the Slack integration(s) What is the impact? This limits information flow and collab...
Dale Potter almost 3 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Show more than 50 features in Features --> List

I understand wanting to limit the returned results when a product/product line has many, many features. It seems like it'd be good to default to a certain acceptable value but allow an "all" display view option. Additionally, it does not seem in...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 2 Unlikely to implement

Support of Embedding of Ideas in Confluence

As a user, I want to embed ideas within Confluence so the idea status is automatically updated as the feature is being developed. My use case is as follows: A customer I am working with ran into a weird edge case. I document the workaround in Conf...
Amelia Peklar over 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Idea subscribers as a data attribute that can be reported on or sorted by in Aha! Reports

The number of idea subscribers is an attribute within an idea detail drawer but it cannot be included as an attribute (or column) in the Reports area of Aha!. This would be useful so that the total number of subscribers column can be sorted agains...
Justin Woods over 8 years ago in User management 5 Unlikely to implement

Have an email address where people can submit emails for new ideas

This would allow me to increase my reach for engaging with new ideas. We are still email based in our communication which makes it hard to manage new ideas. I would rather say if you have a new idea please email xyz and the deal with looking over ...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Milestone Progress

Currently, progress does not show for milestones. If a to-do is assigned to the milestone and the to-do is completed then a green check-mark shows on the milestone. On a custom roadmap this should show as progress 100% so that I can color-code my ...
Guest over 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Expand the list of available fields in report calculations

There are some fields that are not available in report calculations. It would be great if the list of available fields was expanded. Today I'm specifically looking to add "Release Theme" to a calculation.
Guest over 1 year ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Ability to sort non-numeric columns in pivot charts by non-alphabetized sorting convention

Currently non-numeric columns on pivot charts are only able to be sorted by A-Z or Z-A for Ideas and Initiatives. It would be helpful if these columns could be sorted in a customized way. For example, if sorting by initiative status, the column or...
Karla Johnson over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration