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Status Future consideration
Categories Features
Created by Markus Gujer
Created on Oct 1, 2018

Import / Sync Requirements from within Feature

to control the amount of information that flows from JIRA to Aha I tend to create the Feature first in Aha and then link it with the corresponding Epic in JIRA. Next i import the stories associated with the Epic by going on the integration -> Import Records -> Story to Requirements and put the JQL '"Epic Link" = xxx-yyy' to pull in only stories associated with the current Feature/Epic. 

The process would be greatly facilitated if I could pull in stories associated with a Feature directly from within the Feature details. For example the 'send' drop down could be enhanced to incorporate a 'Sync/Import Requirements' entry that would trigger the manual steps above.

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  • Gezelle Keller
    Nov 30, 2020

    I could use similar functionality with the DevOps integration. I'd like to pull features and their respective user stories into a new project on the DevOps side and have both the features and user stories push to Aha as features and requirements for the matching project. Right now when I drag features and their respective user stories into a new project on the DevOps side, the webhook only fires the features over into Aha.

  • Daniel Pokrývka
    Aug 27, 2019

    Please see idea here, merging multiple similar problems: