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Consolidate Product Key Results to a Portfolio Goal

What is the challenge? As a senior executive of many portfolios, I need an automated way to compile all related key results so that I can easily see how products are progressing toward my overarching goal. For example: Persona: I'm a Portfolio Man...
Mike Jacobson 3 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration
127 VOTE

Customizable Status Categories

Aha! provides a fixed set for Status Categories - Not Started, In Progress, Done, Shipped, Will not do. Since workflow customization allows user editable statuses, the status categories should also be customizable. The article for configuring work...
Guest about 5 years ago in Application 31 Future consideration

Add the ability to map Idea status to Promoted Record status

Who would benefit? Administrators and Product Managers What impact would it make? Reduce the number of automations for Administrators to maintain and manual steps for Product Managers How should it work? Add a configuration option to map Idea stat...
Neal Maeyama about 1 year ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

SCIM Integration

Hi! Use case- SCIM integration would allow admins to provision/de-provision users and manage their access via Azure AD, Okta or any other IDP. With SCIM integration, user management would be streamlined and better organized. I am mentioning few li...
Sanchit Jain over 2 years ago in Account settings 3 Future consideration

Reportable field for internal idea comment date

What is the challenge? Currently, adding the field "Idea last internal comment" provides both the date and the text in one value. This field is not available for calculation columns, so I cannot sort by date of comment. What is the impact? Better ...
Becca Bommarito about 2 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Light grey text is illegible to visually impaired users

Currently, in an integration, when the settings are locked (e.g. the project to which it is integrated) the text is shown in a light grey to indicate the settings cannot be changed. This creates a challenge for users who are color blind or otherwi...
Mike Jacobson 2 months ago in Integrations 0 Planning to implement

Now Next Later Roadmap - custom cards by column

What is the challenge? I can design card views for the entire roadmap and want to put release date on the Now column but not the next or Later due to the level of commitment the farther out we get. What is the impact? Sharing release dates for now...
Melissa Miller 3 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Support "same as" automations for custom text fields

What is the challenge? Automations currently make it possible to pass values from one record to another, such as users and dates. We need the ability to copy simple text fields (not note fields) across records. What is the impact? We need to captu...
Nathaniel Collum 5 months ago in Features 3 Future consideration
194 VOTE

Dedicated Integration User

It would be great to have a dedicated integration user instead of having to use a user license for this purpose. I would love to keep my user and the updates from integrations (Jira, TFS,...etc) separate so that it is clear who made the update in ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Integrations / Jira 16 Future consideration

Prioritization report should support displaying strategy fields with multiple records (goals, objectives, key results)

What is the challenge? The prioritization report cannot display strategy fields tied to multiple records (like goals, objectives, and key results). What is the impact? Goals, objectives and key results are vital reference points when determining a...
Nathaniel Collum 4 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration