When reviewing/editing an Aha! presentation, it would be beneficial to be able to click through from the presentation directly into the actual Aha! data/screen for that slide.
For example, if reviewing the Features Roadmap within a slide, have an ...
You ought to be able to perform the same action on a selection of ideas portal users. Here's a scenario I recently encountered:I created an ideas portal for someone else's project. In advance of that person announcing the project and calling for f...
From the Report view, be able to Add to Dashboard as you are able to Add to Presentation
I created a new report. Then wanted to add it to my Dashboard, same as I have done for the presentation. And I couldn't use the export selection in the top right. As a Reports/Dashboard user, I would like to easily add a report to the dashboard fr...
Pamela Thomas
over 4 years ago
in Reports
When entering descriptions of various parts of the data model, it would be useful to be able to cite or otherwise mention personas. This could take the form of @ notation, or similar, which would provide a quick search capability.
This would make...
Indicate what type of record a card is on a whiteboard
When I copy/paste an Aha! record onto a whiteboard, it creates a special card. It would be helpful to have an indication of what the record type is on the card in cases where I can have a lot of different types of records on one whiteboard.
Chrissi McNamara
over 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Ideas portal: remove Aha branding when "something went wrong"
TL;DR: if an ideas site has a custom logo, please make the error page as generic as possible with no Aha branding. Bonus points: use our logo for the error page, but don't ask people to contact us! Details: our various Aha-powered Ideas portals we...
Brian Trombley
almost 4 years ago
in Branding
When adding strategic model data into a report, selecting the model name opens a details drawer which does not include any of the text components that are part of that model. There is not an easy way of then navigating from that drawer to the stra...
Madeleine Black
almost 4 years ago
in Strategy
Ability to Create and Publish Presentation Templates
I would like to be able to create and publish presentation templates for my team at the company, product line, and/or product level. This would allow us to have standardized views across all products and presentations.
Ideally, I would like to add...
Carah Counts
over 5 years ago
in Presentations
Once you merge an idea, the merged idea can still be accessed but it cannot be searched. That is confusing for customers who search for their original Idea's number. Is it possible to show the idea in the search, or the idea which it has been merg...
Peter Segre
about 6 years ago
in Ideas portal