Ability to disable the "add idea" button from the idea overview or have it pointed to our idea portal form. Trying to get users to submit via the portal but many go here and submit and it doesn't match the idea portal form.
Carolee Snarr
about 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Bulk copy and move notes while maintaining hierarchy
As a manager I would like to be able to create a notes hierarchy of project documentation, so that my team can copy the hierarchy and move it to their workspace. The business value is that we have standardized our project artifact structure, and s...
Greg Wissler
about 3 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Further filtering options on Ideas portal for end users
On the ideas portal, you can only do a global search or filter by category or status.
More advanced filtering would be good to all users to i.e. being able to choose more than one status, more than one category etc
Lana Ellis
over 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
What is the challenge? A clear collaborative template to use with a customer to manage a project together. What is the impact? Important for the customer and internal colleagues Describe your idea Working with a collaborator and having a structure...
2 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Allow to hide workspace name from the Strategy Roadmap
What is the challenge? workspace names + initiative name take 1/3 of the screen What is the impact? poor visibility, the screen is too busy Describe your idea under "customize view" allow to deselect "workspace" so it it not visible on the roadmap...
Andrey Alferov
2 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Allow Portfolio Initiatives that use 'Work Requests' in other products that are accepted as ideas, which are then promoted to initiatives in the product to have the ability to automatically connect back with a 'dependency of' relationship to the Portfolio Initiative
What is the challenge? Use Case/Scenario: We have a business problem where Aha Products are receiving both Ideas and Work requests and need to prioritize the potential resulting work effort. Business Problem we are trying to solve: When a Aha Prod...
Mike Jacobson
2 months ago
in Dependencies
Future consideration
Create Report of Reports to see which reports are shared externally
What is the challenge? I want to build a report of all our reports in order to archive old & out-of-date reports. I especially want to build a report to see all reports that are shared externally as webpages so that I can ensure they're being ...
Eliza Crawford
2 months ago
in Reports
Already exists
Adjust the thickness of a bar on the gantt chart based on its capacity
It would be useful to adjust the thickness of the bars on the chart depending on the amount of resources we are allocating to that project. For example, the horizontal length of a bar on the chart is determined by the duration/time of the project,...
2 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration