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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas
Created by Carolee Snarr
Created on Dec 28, 2020

Disable "add idea" button on idea overview

Ability to disable the "add idea" button from the idea overview or have it pointed to our idea portal form.

Trying to get users to submit via the portal but many go here and submit and it doesn't match the idea portal form.

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  • Shasta Haynes
    Oct 5, 2023

    I did not want to use the Add Idea button because I created my own portal. So to keep people from using a feature that I did not connect is causing me to do more work than I need too. Now, I have to update the idea pop-up to be the same as my portal to avoid the headache when I could just disable it if it was available. Additionally, now I have to update my presentation to capture this outlier because the idea will not automatically show up in the portal. The submitter will have to go in and make it visible. So why can't I turn off this feature if beyond me.

    It's been a couple years since this problem was added, but just because it's not used by alot of people or not voted on doesn't make it less valuable update.

  • Kavitha Tummala
    May 3, 2022

    This is a very important functionality and we need it too.

  • Liz Owens
    Dec 3, 2021

    I need this ASAP. It's causing a real problem where ideas are being entered using this very simple form but our portal has intricate logic and automation to assign ideas to the right person.

  • Lindsey L
    Dec 31, 2020

    This would be extremely helpful. Or the ability to adjust the layout for the "add idea" button in the idea overview area. Many (especially when new to Aha) don't know or understand that the form is different when you submit via the portal and this leads to important fields being missed when an idea is created.