I'm trying to put together a presentation with different filter settings for the Strategy > Initiatives "Chart View". In our case this tells a nice story as we filter by time frames, as initiatives in the short term are "hard" and not necessari...
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
For our ideas, we have added a custom text field to capture the customer who submitted enhancements. I want to easy remove enhancements filtered internal from our company. There is no easy way to do this.
Jonathan Bier
about 5 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Adding photos to user profiles humanizes the interactions between team members. I'd like to be able to upload a photo for every user I create, so I don't have to ask each user to do so.
Asim Dhital
over 2 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Allow the people doing the work (designers and developers) to update feature status.
THIS! https://medium.com/@mkhoury/aha-a-few-quirks-in-my-favorite-product-management-software-8eb515fd9e78
My team and I just started using AHA! integrated with Pivotal and I couldn’t agree with you more on this limitation. The people working on ...
almost 8 years ago
in Application
Will not implement
While trying to export a Roadmap (Feature Roadmap for example), there is no way to chose the page layout like portrait/landscape nor is there any way to format the output like font size etc. So, when i have a huge roadmap spawning a few years, it ...
almost 8 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Change default option for Promoting a Idea to Feature
We would like to have the other radio option selected when promoting an idea to a feature, as we rarely promote an idea directly to a feature. Having this option selected makes it more time consuming to promote ideas to existing features.
almost 8 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
As we evolve towards a continuous workflow, the concept of the Release becomes redundant. Yes, there should be a difference between Deployment and Release, but we still want to Release at the Feature level, if possible. So requiring Features to be...
Max Cascone
almost 8 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Make it possible to connect to-do's with activities in calendar view
I find it very helpful to keep track of my to-do's in the calendar view but when I want to add a new to-do there is no way of connecting it to an already existing activity. In order to do so, I need to go back to Initiatives which is a hassle. I w...
about 5 years ago
in Calendar / To-dos
Unlikely to implement
I am currently in the process of creating a PMO roadmap that aggregates the progress of releases at the initiative level. There is a wealth of data, and we have applied a custom field so that we can filter these results to the information the stak...
Andrew Brooks
about 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Will not implement
Enable sorting records by a field not shown in the pivot table
We would like to order the epics in our roadmap by priority, thereby implying the order of priority, without having to include the number in the pivot table. It looks messy with the numbers included.
Kaitlyn Luboff
over 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists