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Report on records related directly and indirectly to another record

Example use-case/problem... Features may be associated to an initiative directly, through a release, through a master feature, through another initiative, through a dependency, etc.; but there is no way to view all features associated to an initia...
Guest about 6 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Capacity planning - initial and detailed estimates behaviour in capacity report

If a record is assigned and you enter a detailed estimate it automatically assigns the entire estimate to that user, even if the detailed estimate is actually being driven by estimates entered on child records that are assigned to different people...
Chris Quigley about 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Auto filter should remove workspaces that are moved out of product lines

It appears that when using the "auto-select" function, a report will maintain the workspace selections, even if workspaces are moved OUT from under the selected product line. It would be extremely helpful to improve the auto-select filter to only ...
Deanna Senaratne about 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Hierarchy Report - Add Filters Chosen to Output

The Hierarchy Report is great. It would help if filters chosen could be listed on output. Also good if we could add columns for that info, in particular status of features and target release dates for each.
Thomas Cruse over 8 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Disabling anything to do with Time logged for 'reviewer/viewer' access levels

We have a requirement where we are using Aha for our time entry and ultimately invoicing. However currently if we share it with our clients, they can see any/all time entered immediately before PM's have had a chance to review time and determine i...
Guest over 8 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Unlock Collaboration! Enhance Profiles for Meaningful Connections on the Idea Portal

Hi Ideas Portal Power Users, Many of us, myself included, have encountered situations where limitations in user profiles on the Idea Portal hinder collaboration and problem-solving. I've personally missed out on connecting with others who share my...
Mark Finnern about 2 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Future consideration

Ability to display the Jira#/Link on the Features/Requirements tab.

We would like to be able to display the Jira# and Link on the Requirements tab on the Features page layout. Attached is the screen where we would like to do this. We are heavy users of the Jira integration and it's frustrating to have to open up t...
Leanne Miller about 4 years ago in Features 8 Future consideration

Provide 'Reviewers' the ability to add tags to Ideas

The requirement/scenario is this...sales & marketing want to tag submitted ideas but we don't want to provide wide-spread write access to Ideas. Idea management/assignment is centrally managed. This could end up with modifications that are not...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

BIN for features to be dragged into for quick deletion

Sometimes when a few features need to be deleted eg from the Parking Lot, it would be great to drag them over to a Bin icon instead of having to open the feature and then select Delete Feature.
Guest about 4 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Set default idea visibility when creating a portal

When creating a new ideas portal, it can be easy to miss the visibility settings. This can lead to confusion about why submitted ideas aren't appearing. It would be helpful to include the visibility settings as an optional step when adding a new p...
Emily Yankush about 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration