The requirement/scenario is this...sales & marketing want to tag submitted ideas but we don't want to provide wide-spread write access to Ideas. Idea management/assignment is centrally managed. This could end up with modifications that are not aligned with our processes if that user were to edit other fields in the record eg. assigned product team, due dates, status etc.
Would like to provide non-production users the ability to tag and to obtain Ideas reports regarding their status based on those tags.
Thank you for your idea. Each of the different roles within Aha! have specific permissions and capabilities. Contributors and product owners are the users who have the ability to edit fields in ideas. This is restricted for the reasons noted in this idea. Reviewers are able view and comment on ideas, as well as to create To-do's (essentially reviewing capabilities.)
We are resistant to expand the capabilities of that role based on substantial customer feedback on current permissions framework. We hope you can understand.