Allow for change of Profile Email in a single sign-on setup
From time to time, employees of a company change their email address (in our case, we have more than one email domain within the company, which is another reason to change emails). Currently, if you change email, you cannot update your current pro...
Mousa Mitwasi
over 5 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Despite your careful research, consideration, and planning - that epic you fought for inclusion into a release just isn't going to get started any time soon. Sprints later you realize that it's probably not going to happen ever. Holding on to hope...
Erik Didriksen
over 5 years ago
in Epic
Already exists
Warn users about the result of a release duplication
Currently when you duplicate a release there is no warning about the consequences of the duplication job (e.g. number of objects duplicated). As a relatively new user I ran into this when I recently duplicated a release, thinking that it would jus...
almost 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
The Prefix for all Master Features is 'E', this is a suggestion to change this globally to M to align with the default terminology.
EG PRODUCT-E-123 should be PRODUCT-M-123 instead.
over 5 years ago
in Epic
Unlikely to implement
I have many feature requirements that are different than those that are listed for the feature. Allowing tags against the requirement itself would allow for further categorization of the requirements
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
When I am searching for something it defaults to searching everything and the drop down box reflects as such. If I could set the scope of the default search for a product/product line the search results would be more relevant to what I am currentl...
over 7 years ago
in Search
Unlikely to implement
BUG: Deadspace on Custom Pages for Ideas Advanced Users
There is a tremendous amount of dead-space (unused pixel real estate) on custom pages. More than 50% of custom pages are not displaying page information. This leads to squished information that requires horizontal scrolling to view all the informa...
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Grant Workspace Owners the ability to manage Ideas Advanced Portal
We purchased Ideas Advanced Portals. With this purchase, we would expect the ability to share ownership/management of the portals created with business users (in the workspace owner role). These business users should have access to manage their id...
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration