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Pop up messages.Priority messages on both GoTrex and Webagent

It would be good to be able to place a 'Post it note' or priority message on both systems when a client has made an important request (eg, please do not discuss my claim/sensitive information with my employer/broker/family) It would be really usef...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Voting 0 Will not implement

On Feature Board, sorting by Status

As a Product Manager, when I sort features on a feature board by status, I would like them to sort in the same manner as they do in lists -- where the "most-complete" features are at the top of the list. For example, "Shipped" comes first followed...
Tom Beck about 7 years ago in Features 0 Will not implement

Private Comments

I would like to be able to create comments on features, requirements, initiatives, etc. but have the option of those comments only being visible to myself. I will have discussion notes, code snips that relate to the feature/requirement but they ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 1 Will not implement

Allow visibility of linked tickets without having access to other teams

As a Product Owner, whose user stories are dependent on other user stories, features or ideas, I want to see the links between those other tickets so I can understand impact of other teams and can coordinate with other Product Owners to ensure the...
Guest over 6 years ago in Account settings 2 Will not implement

Reporting Sort Options for Custom Fields

Categorical values, such as in a custom field with a pre-defined choice list, are by default sorted alphabetically in reports. However, in many instances there's a preferred or implicit ordering of categorical values. For example, the sequence "co...
Matt Case over 8 years ago in Reports 4 Will not implement

Make report results workspace user role agnostic

As a user of AHA Roadmap I want to see all data in a report regardless of my user role in that Workspace so all users who access the report see consistent data. As authority to see information under a Workspace is depending on the user's role in t...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Will not implement

Create Folders in the "attach documents" section on each project

Hi, I'm a big one for attaching documents to my projects. Some projects are starting to look a little messy now with the number of files attached. It would be good to be able to create folders to store the files in i.e. a folder for gate 1 and ano...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Features 1 Will not implement

Show which release a feature is assigned to in the master feature details slide-out

When planning master features/epics, I need to see which releases the master feature spans across by seeing which releases the sub-features are assigned to. This information would be displayed in a third column in the feature list on the master fe...
Grant Smith almost 7 years ago in Features 0 Will not implement

Ability to convert a mockup image with text to an initiative, epic, feature or requirement

While in Mockups, it'd be cool to be able to convert a shape that contains text to an initiative, epic, feature or requirement by right clicking on it and clicking Convert to > and then have the options. Then the text within the shape would be ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Mockups 1 Will not implement

Enable Product Owners and Contributors to mark To-dos assigned others as complete via the primary check-box

We often check off To-dos during a collaborative status meetings. The person who is checking off the To-do is the person sharing their screen with others in the meeting and not the owner of any/most of the To-dos being checked off. However, the pe...
Guest almost 7 years ago in To-dos 1 Will not implement