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Remove white space on custom report roadmap column/rows on leftside (make more condense)

The custom report roadmaps with visual bars have the ability to add column/row data on left hand side. However, there is significant white space which makes the report bigger than it needs to be. Is there a way to condense it?
Guest about 4 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Customize Search results fields displayed

When doing a search the results are displayed showing the product, aha number, Name, status, description and last updated. It would be helpful to be able to add fields to this quick display. For example, I search often to see what release a featur...
John Barry about 4 years ago in Search 1 Future consideration

Feature Board, filter out Releases that are done by status

Today when we use the Features board view, the view displays Features under Releases horizontally. This means that as a workspace is used for a long period of time, or as we ship many Releases, that this is a long scrolling horizontal list. If you...
Marcie Gardner over 2 years ago in Releases 1 Already exists

Hide the release dates from the Story Map

I would like to be able to remove the release dates from my User Story Map. I am using the User Story Map as a tool to define a User journey and ensure that our release blocks are efficient and meaningful for a user. In a more generic context, thi...
Albin Poignot over 5 years ago in User story map 4 Unlikely to implement

Remove 'created on date' from header in PDF view of a presentation

When generating a PDF view of a presentation the header shows a created on date. I don't want this to show but there are no options in the settings to remove this.
Dan Jeffery over 5 years ago in Presentations 2 Future consideration

Sorting list custom field

Hi Aha, We have created list custom fields but when the list is displayed in the application (for idea, feature or release), the list of values isn't sorted. When you have a long list, it is very difficul to retreive the good value. Can you add th...
Guest over 5 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Add Individual Permissions for assigning capacity planning to users at a product workspace level

Custom Roles Permissions vs Individual Permissions - Issues between Custom Roles Capacity Planning Team & Integrations Current Issue: We will need to create multiple combinations of User Permissions as Custom Roles that will expand out User Pe...
Mike Jacobson about 4 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Create an easier way to build report - ordering of the fields

Once you have a list report created moving columns around can be very time consuming (and frustrating) especially if you have a good number of fields. Could you create a way to do this easier such as opening up a dialog to reorder the existing fie...
Amy Lackas over 5 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Let a user apply a global configuration to Feature Card Layout

Overview Let users set a default configuration for Feature Cards and apply that layout across all products they are members of. Background I love the fact you can customise the layout of Feature cards to include exactly what you want them to show....
Guest about 8 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Enhance Slack Aha! integration with AI to support 1-click 'Send to Aha! as a feature/idea'

Every day, often many times each day, there is some conversation in Slack that results in the need to turn that conversation into a feature. This is a tedious, boring task, the saps me of my PM mojo 😞 I want my mojo back 🚀 ChatGPT and other AI lan...
Todd Meyer over 1 year ago in Application / Features / Ideas / Slack 0 Future consideration