When creating and modifying Personas in Aha!, there is an ability to create/modify custom fields on the Persona via the "Manage fields" menu link. When I click on that link, I am navigated to the Custom fields screen within the Account settings. I...
Who would benefit? All Aha Users with configured workflows What impact would it make? Operational efficiency to avoid downloading a separate list to filter. How should it work? Bring in the available statuses from the workflow a filter options. Th...
over 1 year ago
in Epic
Future consideration
I would like the ability to add an explanation as to why a status changed when I change the status on the idea. Right now I only have the ability to change the status which will send one email then I have to add a comment on the comments tab which...
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
API access for Master Feature->Features and vice versa dependencies
Our organization often maps Master Features against Features as dependencies, and there is presently no way to do analytics on this data because the information is not available via API. Please expose.
Frank Siler
about 5 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
The ability to select all for filters based on a key word. In the screenshot, I used the release filter but only wanted to pull one release from each workspace which was Fy22Q1. I entered that to short list the results but then had to click each one.
Fatimah Gorin
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
I am responsible for creating reports showing how much time my product team spends on products, goals, and initiatives as well as capacity planning. I was really excited to see that Aha allows people to log their time on features and requirements....
over 6 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Allow navigation to be customized depending on the user
Allow navigation to be customized depending on the users individually so that I can have only certain people allowed to see the more confusing aspects of the interface.
almost 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Who would benefit? Every user What impact would it make? Fix a bug How should it work? When I click "save as" but click the "x" before saving, it still saves the view even though I cancelled the request. It should not create the new view if I canc...
Have a Library of Stock Images/Icons in Aha for Poll Thumbnails
Who would benefit? Very busy Product Professionals What impact would it make? It would allow us to quickly spin up a professional looking image as a thumbnail for our polls without having to do extra research or potentially using an image with cop...
Jackie B
over 1 year ago
in Polls
Future consideration
Bug - dragging image as file to embed in Description field fails with console error
Who would benefit? What impact would it make? Fix a bug How should it work? NOte: This works on the IDeas portal. Dragging an image that is attached to a Feature Card into the Description fails with the following console error: Uncaught TypeError:...
Warren Evans
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration