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Add Aha! user as watcher on Ideas when voting or commenting via the portal

Individuals who are Aha! users may be interacting with Ideas via the portal rather than within the application. It would be useful for them to become watchers on the Ideas they interact with, similar as a portal user who would become subscribed. Requiring them to open the Idea and add themselves as a watcher adds additional steps. 

    Jul 30, 2024

    When an Aha! user creates, votes, or comments on an idea in a portal, they are automatically added as a watcher of the idea. They will receive Aha! notifications for updates to the idea.

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    • Matthias Meier
      Apr 17, 2020

      Agree. Aha users that submit a request want to follow the status of their request.
      Therefore, they should be automatically assigned as Watcher to be notified about status updates, comments etc. - many users don't realise there is such a watching feature, or forget or think it's too much hassle to sign up to every single idea.

      In fact, it would be very useful and important to also sign up Aha users as watchers to Features that are derived from their Idea, so that they properly can follow the lifecycle and feature development once the Idea was reviewed and prioritised as a Feature.