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Improve filters for ease-of-use and increased user productivity

Problem We use filters a lot, but they are super clunky, requiring multiple clicks to change the filter, and with some Internet latency b/w the clicks the UX suffers even more. This slows us (me) down. Combining of the filter field selection with ...
Stefan Tzanev over 7 years ago in Reports / Search 1 Already exists

Allow multi select on Automation Rules

When creating an Automation Rule, allow for multi selects. For example, I want to be able to assign Ideas that come in to a certain set of 'categories' (a custom field we created) to a specific person but all in one rule. Example: where category i...
Cindy Hickman almost 2 years ago in Workflow boards 0 Future consideration

Make it possible to filter in reports published to idea portal pages without crashing

Who would benefit? Portal users who use list reports and wants to filter in them. What impact would it make? It would make it possible to use filters in reports published to idea portals without crashing. How should it work? Reports published to i...
Guest 11 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Custom order of workspace in Ideas Portal

Hello, In addition to already implementing this feature (which I am not in conflict with), can you also add an option to allow users reorder the workspaces to the order they deem important? Workspaces in our business have different orders of impor...
Todd Materazzi almost 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Slow performance in EU

Half of our country is in EU-Central, and drilling down on ticket details shows a spinner for about 1-10 seconds, which inhibits productivity. Would like for it to be as responsive in EU as it is in US.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Application 2 Already exists

test case/scenario capture

Though the product is roadmap oriented, when you're defining features and epics, it's often possible to define test cases or scenarios. For example, for software, at the unit test level, this would be good to capture at the feature level, along wi...
Guest over 3 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

shrink to fit container of dashboards

When adding a report or a roadmap view to a dashboard, it would be great if I could shirk the view to fit to container. This is already true for graphs and if would love to have this options for pivot tables and roadmaps. It would be very useful t...
Reut Levi over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Proxy Voting: Public Portal Use

It would be great if we could use proxy voting on a public facing ideas portal but have the proxy voting display only for internal users (i.e., like a private comment). Our use case is that we run a system with multiple versions of an application ...
Elizabeth Wakefield over 4 years ago in Voting 4 Unlikely to implement

Custom Sort in List Reports

I would like to create a custom sort in my list report for example rather than alphabetical. Similar to excel how you can create a custom sort - something order than alphabetical
Ally Bernstein over 4 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Add in API endpoint for SSO logout

I'm currently using Aha as the ideas portal for all of our users and am automatically signing them in with SSO/JWT when they access the idea portal page. This works great! However, I noted that, per the JWT help article here, that signout requires...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas / User management 1 Future consideration