Enable the user to report on the values of a field based on its history. maybe a calculated field property where you indicate the field and the version back for that field. History(Custom_Field1,1) would show the value of that field one change bac...
Steve Podzamsky
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to add automation to move a work item to a different release based upon a field
What is the challenge? There are times that certain records can move to a different release based upon the selection of a predefined choice field and do not require analysis and decisions. What is the impact? Inability to set up automation to do t...
29 days ago
in Releases
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Shapes can interfere with the layers of sticky notes. It often happens that a shape will appear on top of sticky notes even when having been sent to the back, and having also sent the sticky notes to the front. The sticky no...
Ian Babelon
29 days ago
in Whiteboards
Likely to implement
What is the challenge? When using Doughnut Charts you have to do math in your head to calculate the total items represented on the chart What is the impact? Data is not as usable for executive presentations as it could be Describe your idea In the...
Lorena Connolly
29 days ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I need an easy way to list features that designers need to work on that we can check off What is the impact? Something for design but can also be used to communicate to other stakeholders Describe your idea
30 days ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Support worksheet custom fields in automated scorecard metrics when an idea is promoted
What is the challenge? I have a worksheet that is used on multiple record types. I want to use that worksheet in an automated metric in a scorecard that is shared across those record types. This is not possible today. When you select multiple reco...
Terence Osmeña
about 2 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Allow setting "To-do description" in reports to a rich text export
What is the challenge? With most description fields, such as Feature description, pulling those fields into a list report gives you the option to choose whether the column will be formatted for a Rich text export or a Plain text export. The descri...
Maria Plotkina
about 2 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Currently workspaces can only be archived. They cannot be instantly deleted. This is a great safeguard to prevent real workspaces from actually being deleted. However it causes problems when you accidentally create a workspace as a line, or vice v...
Austin Merritt
9 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Reviewers should not be able to create prioritization views
What is the challenge? Reviewers cannot rearrange record ranks in the prioritization view. Only owners/contributors can. If I only have reviewer permissions to all the workspaces I have access to, I can still create a prioritization view but I can...
Chrissi McNamara
5 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Capacity planning: make advanced estimate values available for equations and filters
For a variety of reasons I would like to be able to perform calculations in custom worksheets on data included in an advanced estimate. For example, being able to reference the totals for a team, and the totals for a given period when a scenario i...
Jeanette Resnikoff
almost 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration