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Capacity bars on features and requirements that show when logged work has gone over original estimate

Capacity planning (when enabled at the product level) shows work remaining, work done and work over capacity at the release level in the form of coloured bars (green, blue and red respectively) It would be very useful if this same graphical treatm...
Guest about 6 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Be able to search the "tags" on Ideas on the Idea Portal

currently the search capability only searches the titles of the ideas, it would be helpful to also be able to have it search the customized tags as well.
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Already exists

Make the Admin > User screen configurable like the list views

It would be valuable as an administrator of users if the Account > Users page could be configurable with the ability to add different filters and different fields to the user report. The current page could serve as the default but then the adm...
Noreen Fowler about 6 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Automation rules to update idea status when a comment comes in

I'm sure it never happens on your Ideas Portal, but often the Ideas that get submitted by our customers lack some key information that we need in order to make prioritization decisions. In those instances we put them in an "on hold or needs more i...
Derek Boriack over 7 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Default External Date Rounding

I would like to pre-set the external date rounding for either a product or product line. This would allow for less clicks by a user entering a release and get all releases consistent in their reporting.
Guest almost 9 years ago in Releases 3 Unlikely to implement

Include link to relevant automation rule in record history

In the record history, include a link to the automation rule that triggered something to happen so that I can quickly figure out which automation rule caused the change to happen. Currently it can be hard to figure out why something happened when ...
Todd Meyer 8 months ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Can we have the progress set to 100% on release items when they are closed?

What is the challenge? Manually editing the % progress is a pain What is the impact? Loss of productivity Describe your idea Make it editable in the UI and workflow to auto set to 100% when the ticket is closed.
Guest 8 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Add "Requirement" option in work request drop-down

While creating dependency on another workspace, the aha record needs to be tagged at requirement level. It would be great to see that option considering the high usage of work request related to requirements.
Isha Khurana about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Configure colors in User Story Map

Adding color options would be able to indicate dependencies in User Story Maps, urgent issues, etc, without additional coding. This may be a faster route to classifying additional card types in Story Mapping without a lot of code.
Guest almost 5 years ago in User story map 1 Future consideration

Show feature type on the retrospective report

I was using the retrospective report this week for a few teams to see if there were issues worth talking about with stakeholders etc. What I found missing was the issue type. Not sure if that would be in alignment with the purpose of the report, b...
Jennifer Lange over 1 year ago in Agile reports / Reports 0 Future consideration