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Status Future consideration
Categories To-dos
Created by Isha Khurana
Created on Dec 20, 2022

Add "Requirement" option in work request drop-down

While creating dependency on another workspace, the aha record needs to be tagged at requirement level. It would be great to see that option considering the high usage of work request related to requirements.

  • Attach files

Ability to promote a work request to user story

What is the challenge? Lot of times, the work requests that are sent to other workspaces are not big enough to be categorized as Feature. How would you solve it? What impact would it make? Give the users more options to promote the work requests b...
Guest 11 months ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Allow accepting a work request as a user story

What is the challenge? At times, a work request is small enough to be a user story. Currently, work requests can only be accepted as an initiative, epic, feature or idea. What is the impact? While a to-do can be assigned to someone from another wo...
Guest 10 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration