I would like to reference to-dos in Custom Worksheet formulas so that I can count the total number of to-dos related to a record. Ideally, I'd like to count the to-dos related to a record based on status (e.g., count of overdue to-dos for this Ini...
Phil Warden
over 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Let internal portal users easily see all ideas from an Organization
Who would benefit? Our internal portal users - account managers, customer success managers, etc who want to see which ideas a specific client is interested in. What impact would it make? We would no longer need to provide these uers with reports f...
Amanda K
about 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Stop showing me child ideas when I'm trying to merge an idea
Who would benefit? Everyone who uses Aha ideas What impact would it make? Make merging simpler, more straight forward How should it work? When I want to merge similar ideas I want to merge them all to the same parent. But when I click 'merge idea'...
about 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
I can allow my customers to submit ideas, and provide some form of priority value they can set. However if they set some or all of the ideas to the same priority I cannot identify which is the most important idea of that set (from the point of vie...
Alex Horan
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
This is probably on a roadmap somewhere, but in case it's not and I'm brilliant:
Currently, calculation columns allow us to apply equations across a row of a list report (e.g., if Feature A's due date is before today(), display text "Behind sched...
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We want to limit the ability for customers accidentally uploading sensitive information files. We can filter file types in the Attachment field, but we can't if we add the description field What is the impact? Medium Describ...
7 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Automated approvals should disappear from To-dos once they have been approved
Who would benefit? Groups of approvers What impact would it make? It would keep the to-dos focused on what has not been completed How should it work? If >1 user is assigned an approval because of an automation rule, and any user completes the r...
about 1 year ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Show average rating for "Star rating" poll questions
Who would benefit? Product Managers What impact would it make? Aggregates poll responses into a single representative value Provides a simple way to share poll results internally Allows setting targets/goals when gathering feedback on new launches...
Jeff Tucker
about 1 year ago
in Polls
Future consideration
It would be nice to be able to label things on cards in the board view. For example, I have multiple scorecards (one for product features and one for technical debt items I'm tracking in the same backlog). It's not easy to tell what the number is ...
Scott Bleasdell
over 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to assign a workflow to the phases and milestones within a release
I should be able to assign a workflow for the phases and milestones for a given release. I should be able to update the status for each of my phases or milestones so that I can visually see the progress of the release in the Releases > Roadmap.
Tahlia Sutton
almost 8 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration