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Reference to-dos in Custom Worksheet

I would like to reference to-dos in Custom Worksheet formulas so that I can count the total number of to-dos related to a record. Ideally, I'd like to count the to-dos related to a record based on status (e.g., count of overdue to-dos for this Ini...
Phil Warden over 4 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Private in-app feedback widget

This is a need for us in order to get feedback on our product. We are not interested in a shared feedback widget, but interested in individual feedback from every single user. We don't want to 'spam' our users/customers with feedback from other us...
Julie Jensen over 2 years ago in In-app feedback 3 Future consideration

I need a way to compare versions of Features/Requirements in a Release

Before pushing a release to Jira, we do reviews of Features/Requirements with engineering. This may happen several times and we end up with multiple versions of the Release details. This makes it hard to compare the difference between the old and ...
Aldon C almost 10 years ago in Releases 2 Already exists

Edit Automation "To-Do" Order

As a user, I want to edit the "to-do" order without having to delete and recreate it every single time- it is cumbersome and does not scale. Use case: Order is very important for our team as we are using the "To-Do" steps as a way to track the ste...
Amelia Peklar over 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Copy Idea Portal URL to clipboard

The admin view of an idea has a copy to clipboard feature that copies the admin URL. It would be beneficial to admin users to have a clear option of which URL to copy based on who the recipient is. It wasn't clear that there were 2 URLs and then I...
Ryan Hutnick over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Lock status of parking lot items

It would be helpful to be able to lock the status of items within the parking lot to ensure agile capacity planning for team. This would align any items on the active board to the correct planning stage, and eliminate room for error within the par...
Annika Hudson about 3 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Jira: import both time estimates and story points into Aha estimate field

We have multiple teams using Aha within a workspace. Some of these teams use Story points, other use time based estimates. While we can set the estimate type used per release within one workspace, we can't import story points into the Original Est...
Ate Fokkinga about 3 years ago in Capacity planning 1 Future consideration

Admin permissions to change statuses in a fixed workflow

What is the challenge? In a fixed workflow, objects cannot move backwards in status. This is mostly fine, except when a user accidentally clicks the transition button or if the approval group mistakenly approves/rejects an approval. The only way t...
Sharon Hu 6 months ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Edit work schedule from the team details

What is the challenge? I'm unable to edit the work schedule when accessing it while viewing a team for team capacity planning. I have to click out of my screens, then navigate to the work schedule tab under Settings > Account > Customization...
Becca Bommarito 6 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Now, Next, Later - start date selection enhancement

What is the challenge? When creating a Now, Next, Later view and planning based on start date, initiatives not delivered or completed with a start date in the past are not displayed What is the impact? When trying to plan, the in flight initiative...
Beth Autry 6 months ago in Roadmaps 2 Already exists