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Simplify navigation to My Reports

A small item but a constant irritant. I should be able to access the dashboard of reports with one click, but I have to click 'Roadmaps' (only some items under this tab are Roadmaps - which is additionally confusing) then move down to Overview, th...
charles bagnall almost 6 years ago in Reports 5 Future consideration

Add workflow view to ideas

I really like the ideas overview page, however for collaboration and triage, it would be useful for us to be able to view the ideas in the workflow (kanban) view.
Nerissa Muijs over 2 years ago in Workflow boards 2 Future consideration

Enable filtering on custom fields in Custom Table Records List API

Who would benefit? Any customer using custom tables, particularly those integrating with other data sources or needing API-based filtering capabilities What impact would it make? Scripting updates from other sources of truth such as taxonomy syste...
Guest about 1 year ago in API 0 Future consideration

Link ideas to goals

As an organisation we are measuring the idea process against strategic goals. We can capture the goal an idea is working towards but cannot report progress against it.
Mark Seymour over 2 years ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Feedback on the UML design feature

What is the challenge? The snap feature for Aha! UML diagram should be more robust. Need for more UML templates. Export in more formats. Ability to develop Product report. What is the impact? The lack of a snap feature for some elements impacts th...
Guest 4 months ago in Whiteboards 2 Future consideration

Remove workspace default reports from Roadmaps Overview

On the Roadmaps overview page, there are a bunch of default reports that clutter up the All view. There is a Release Plan and Roadmap listed for every workspace. When you click into them, it just drops you on the default gantt for the workspace or...
Max Robbins 9 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Export an Idea to Presentation in Drawer view

Who would benefit? Executive Team reviewing ideas What impact would it make? The ideas could be much more presentable. How should it work? Export from idea to presentation currently defaults to details view. The main contents of the idea occupy th...
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Enable milestone key dates in epic & enable to be used in custom roadmap

Our team uses releases by a timeframe, not by an individual product release. Thus our release is made up of multiple epics that need a milestone per epic. Please enable a milestone option at the epic level in both the epic & custom roadmaps to...
Steven Schafer over 1 year ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Idea categories should be able to be "featured"

Idea categories, like ideas, sometimes have a higher priority than others. Idea categories are currently sorted alphabetically. We think that certain categories should be able to be "featured" so that they can be hoisted to the top of the list.
Steven Petryk over 7 years ago in Ideas / Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Allow users to collapse Ideas Portal Introduction

One of our customers has suggested that the introduction to our Ideas portals (contained within the portal settings -> Overview Tab -> General section -> Subtitle field) be collapsible or otherwise be able to be hidden after the first vie...
Guest over 3 years ago in User management 0 Already exists