Ability to apply conditional formatting to a single cell, rather than the entire Row.
What is the challenge? Conditional formatting must be applied to the entire Row, not just a single cell. This can result in reports being overwhelming and not drawing attention to the important details that we want them to focus on. What is the im...
Brittani Carmandi-Weber
4 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? The strategy roadmap can only visualize the final release date, not any of the release milestones. What is the impact? This means that you can't see all your milestones overlaid on the strategy roadmap, except by creating se...
4 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Using automation, allow features and requirements to inherit a Rollup release name
What is the challenge? Roll up releases are ideal to synchronize releases of services within a platform. As an example, on Service A and Service B in Platform A are both released on the same schedule. Our developers work within Jira and Devops, an...
What is the challenge? we import releases from Github Milestones which have no start date meaning the date range on releases is incorrect. What is the impact? results in releases on roadmaps which have inaccurate (infinite) bars and require manual...
8 months ago
in Releases
Future consideration
The competitors tab is great for tracking information I input about competitors. One of the default sections for competitors is the 'Recent News'. It would be very helpful if instead of me having to keep up 'recent news,' I could just input the rs...
Rob Bedeaux
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Product teams who require approval steps in specific scenarios. What impact would it make? Save time and improve efficiency How should it work? Support the closing of approval to-dos via automations. This would allow teams who h...
Madeleine Black
12 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Our ideas portal receives many customer ideas. We intentionally keep a limited list of ideas categories so that we don't overwhelm our customers with choice. However, when we're analyzing ideas, it's often helpful to group i...
Nathaniel Collum
8 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Ability to Pull Estimates onto the Prioritization Report
Who would benefit? Any client, but especially those practicing SAFe What impact would it make? Make it very clear which features can be pulled into a PI and which won't, based on capacity, so negotiations can commence! How should it work? On the C...
over 1 year ago
in Features
Already exists
Add delivery risk check for missing initial estimate
We use the initial estimate field for early product planning. While the "No detailed estimate" field helps for our detailed planning stage, we want similar functionality that checks for missing initial estimates to support our earlier planning.
Jeff Tucker
over 1 year ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Add Parking Lot Releases and Features to Feature Roadmap and Release Gantt
Who would benefit? What impact would it make? I want to track upstream (pre dev) work in product and UX's lane to track true status end to end for our work. How should it work? When going into the features roadmap view I am trying to see my parkin...
Karla Johnson
over 1 year ago
in Releases
Future consideration