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Showing 191 of 9215

Aha viewable area for comments

What is the challenge? I'm often needing to read old comments when responding or adding testing notes and I find the viewable area is really small and requires scrolling heaps to read everything. What is the impact? In the past I've needed to save...
Scott Bishop about 10 hours ago in Comments / Notifications 0

Fix broken email formatting

What is the challenge? Got an email notification about a Note and the text is cut off What is the impact? I can't see the entire Note in the email. I have to open the Note to see the cut off text. Also looks untidy Describe your idea Fix the forma...
Guest about 17 hours ago in Comments / Notifications 1

Customizable notification filtering system based on record type, event type, and delivery channel preferences

What is the challenge? Users are overwhelmed by the flood of notifications without sufficient control over what appears where. The current system creates information overload, causing important updates to get lost among less relevant alerts and re...
Ákos H 13 days ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Comments to flow from Ideas to Features/Epics

What is the challenge? There is no way to automatically push/copy the comments made on the idea records into the promoted features/epics. Comments just do not flow through from an idea to a feature/epic. Users have to manually incorporate the comm...
Guest 4 months ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration

Receive Comments for Stories that are assigned to me

What is the challenge? I don't get notified when someone makes a comment on a user story that I'm working on unless they @ me What is the impact? I miss people's contributions to my work. Describe your idea Automatically make me a watcher in stori...
Guest 13 days ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Already exists

Don't notify me when others complete a to-do I was assigned

When I am assigned a to-do along with many other people at my company, I do not want to receive notifications every time another person at my company completes the same to-do. Perhaps the owner of the to-do can get these, but not the assignees. It...
Tracy Singleton about 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Future consideration

Support embedded link in welcome invite text

What is the challenge? Currently links behind text are not support in the welcome text of the Aha! invitation email What is the impact? Unable to link to further resources for new users of Aha! Describe your idea support embedded a url behind text...
Stuart Blair 4 months ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Better Email Update Notifications

Who would benefit? All users who are subscribed or watching features in Aha! and utilize email notifications What impact would it make? More informative notifications directly in the email without extra clicks or searching in the history of the fe...
Guest about 1 year ago in Comments / Notifications 3 Future consideration

Allow @mention in Note field

What is the challenge? We use the 'Note' field throughout our record types, including Goals, Initiatives, Features, Requirements, etc. While we can use To-Dos, it would be easier for many of our use cases to @mention someone directly in the field ...
Jon Ragsdale 9 months ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration

Send delivery risk notification when records are automatically flagged

What is the challenge? In Aha! you can set up delivery risks for a variety of different criteria however there is no notification system if a record is flagged for one of these predefined risks. The only notifications are sent if a record is manua...
Justin Waldorf 5 months ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration