What is the challenge? When statuses are mapped as bi-directional in integrations (Jira etc.) - transitioning rapidly between statuses in a fixed workflow in Aha! does not send each transition to the dev tool. With a fixed workflow in the dev tool...
Jeanette Resnikoff
11 days ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Moving integrated Jira records to a new project should update the Jira link and key in Aha!
What is the challenge? When following the guidance in this help article to move Jira records between Jira projects with Jira, https://support.aha.io/aha-roadmaps/integrations/integration-guides/move-records-with-jira-or-rally~7444656710918981281#p...
Terence Osmeña
4 days ago
in Integrations / Jira
Future consideration
The ability to review previously ignored integration candidates and undo the ignore
What is the challenge? Once you ignore an integration candidate, it is ignored forever unless you manually import or link the ignored record. If someone ignores a record by mistake there is no recourse to review those potential errors and correct ...
Stephanie Lechner
5 months ago
in Jira
Future consideration
It would be great to have a dedicated integration user instead of having to use a user license for this purpose. I would love to keep my user and the updates from integrations (Jira, TFS,...etc) separate so that it is clear who made the update in ...
about 8 years ago
in Integrations / Jira
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We have a Jira-Aha integration template that span across multiple Aha workspaces. When we change the integration template (add/remove fields for instance) we need to sync data between Jira and Aha to ensure both systems are ...
about 1 month ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Add "Idea votes" and "Account" to the list of idea fields that can be mapped to Jira
What is the challenge? We cannot see information on the account that an idea came from or how many votes an idea has in Jira What is the impact? Product Manager's time is wasted going back and forth to remember where an idea came from or to pass t...
Add 'Send to integration' automation action for Aha! Ideas <> Jira integration
What is the challenge? As PMs review ideas submitted to Aha! there may be ideas that need to be sent directly to Jira — thinking about bugs that are reported through an ideas portal. What is the impact? Those ideas need to be reviewed alongside al...
Justin Waldorf
3 months ago
in Ideas / Jira
Future consideration
Features and Epics should move to integrated parent Release upon updates
What is the challenge? If you introduce Version<>Release mapping to an existing integration or you link a record to an existing Jira record, subsequent updates are creating a new Aha! release (linked to the Jira issues's Fixed Version) but t...
Stephanie Lechner
6 months ago
in Jira
Planning to implement
Child records eligible to import to multiple workspaces are automatically importing to the workspace where the parent record is integrated to
What is the challenge? If I am using an integration template to manage multiple Jira projects which can have parent/child records spanning multiple Aha! Workspaces (many to many relationship), If I add a child record from one Jira project to an in...
Stephanie Lechner
4 months ago
in Jira
Likely to implement